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Icon-woweu-22x22 Ускагерот
Ускагерот's avatar
RoleFormer Russian Community Manager
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Russian ex-Community Manager Uskageroth

Denys Ananyev, better known by his poster name Ускагерот (Uskageroth), is a former Blizzard employee and the first Russian language Community Manager for the European World of Warcraft community. He started posting on the forums at the same time they went live on the 15th of July 2008.

Uskageroth formerly worked for Ukrainian game developer company GSC Game World for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. He managed Russian speaking community fan-portals for various game projects such as Guild Wars by NCSoft, Brothers-In-Arms by Gearbox Software and Juiced by Juiced Games. Uskageroth reached world's Top-20 in online racing game Juiced in 2005.

His nickname "Uskageroth" is composed from words "Russian", "tusskar" and "Azeroth".

Uskageroth played in past at famous so-called "Russian" realm Warsong EU by his favorite game class dwarf-hunter, because he's man who very like firearms. He also has Night Elf restoration druid and Human death knight for "Alterac farming". Uskageroth is mostly PvP-player, which very likes spontaneous and unpredictable teamwork at battlegrounds. In present days he plays for Alliance faction of Gordunni RU realm.

He was a military paratrooper in the nineties.

His last post is dated 14th of November 2008.
