← WoW API < GetAddOnInfo
Get information about an AddOn.
name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security = GetAddOnInfo(index or "name")
- (index or "name")
- index
- Integer - The index of the AddOn in the user's AddOn list. Note that you cannot access Blizzard-provided AddOns through this mechanism.
- name
- String - The name of the AddOn to be queried. You can access Blizzard-provided AddOns through this mechanism.
- name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security
- name
- String - The name of the AddOn (the folder name).
- title
- String - The title of the AddOn as listed in the .toc file (presumably this is the appropriate localized one).
- notes
- String - The notes about the AddOn from its .toc file (presumably this is the appropriate localized one).
- enabled
- Flag - Indicates if the AddOn is currently enabled, 1 if it is, nil if it is not.
- loadable
- Flag - Indicates if the AddOn is eligible to be loaded, 1 if it is, nil if it is not. Currently returns 1 if the addon is LoadOnDemand in the .toc file or if the addon is already loaded.
- reason
- String - The reason why the AddOn cannot be loaded. This is nil if the addon is loadable or already loaded, otherwise it contains a code indicating the reason. (Observed reason codes: "DISABLED", "MISSING", "INTERFACE_VERSION")
- security
- String - Indicates the security status of the AddOn. This is currently "INSECURE" for all user provided addons and "SECURE" for Blizzard_* AddOns.
- If the function is passed a string, name will always be the value passed, so check if reason equals "MISSING" to find out if an addon exists.
- index or "name" is not case sensitive, at least not on Windows.
- If the function is passed a number that is out of range, you will get an error message, specifically
[<file name>]:<line number> AddOn index must be in the range of 1 to <GetNumAddOns()>