← WoW API < GetLFGTypes
Returns all available LFG categories
category1, category2, category3, ... = GetLFGTypes()
- Nothing
- String categoryN
- Name of Nth category
- When using this function to feed other LFG functions with its results, remember that these functions only want the index of the value, not the value itself. If you wanted to use 'Zone' as category, you would have to supply the number 4. Look at the example!
- local types = {GetLFGTypes()} for i,category in pairs(types) do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format('Category %u: %s', i, category)) end Output: Category 1: Dungeon Category 2: Raid Category 3: Quest Category 4: Zone Category 5: Battleground
- Notice: LFG functions implement a flexible but experimental system for finding a group in WoW. It probably has been postponed or is not under development anymore. Current public servers seem to not have the needed functionality enabled either and reply with empty packets when using these functions.