← WoW API < GetUnitName
This function is implemented by FrameXML in [DEPRECATED http://wowprogramming.com/utils/xmlbrowser/live/FrameXML/UnitFrame.lua FrameXML/UnitFrame.lua].
Returns the name and realm of the specified unit.
name = GetUnitName(unit, showServerName)
- ("unit", showServerName)
- unit
- String - The UnitId to query (e.g. "player", "party2", "pet", "target" etc.)
- showServerName
- Boolean - If true, append " - [server name]" to name if it's available or FOREIGN_SERVER_LABEL (" (*)" on enUS locale) if nil or false.
- name
- A formatted string based on the return values of UnitName(unit).
Print "Bob" if Bob is your target and is on your server or "Bob - Server Name" if Bob is your target and is from a different server.
NOTE: GetUnitName returns different results based upon the string passed to it. It is very important to be aware of this, especially if you are using UnitName as a variable.
Example: Let's get the UnitName of a hunter that you have targeted in a battleground from Darkspear server, and the same hunter from an event caught in the combat log.
--Target Bob UN = GetUnitName("target", true); print (UN); -- Result is "BobTheHunter - Darkspear" -- In event handler for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED local pattern = "_DAMAGE"; local comEvent = select(2, ...); local start = string.find(comEvent, pattern); --continue working with 'damage' if start then local damage, overkill = select(15, ...); sourceGUID, killer, killerFlag, _, destGUID, victim, vicFlag = select(4, ...); -- for example, we just killed this hunter Bob UN = GetUnitName(victim, true); print(UN); -- Result is "BobTheHunter-Darkspear" end
Note the differences in strings, namely the white space. I would strongly suggest running all results from GetUnitName() through a function of some sort to ensure the results are what is expected. However, make sure this is only player names, or you will end up with 'Stormwind-Guard' for example (which is invalid, of course).
Example - get unit name in the format of 'Name-Server' for your target.
--check the unitGUID to get the type of unit local guid = UnitGUID(UN); local B = tonumber(guid:sub(5,5), 16); local maskedB = B % 8; -- x % 8 has the same effect as x & 0x7 on numbers <= 0xf -- strip spaces out of a player 'name - server' string if (maskedB == 0) then UN = SpaceStripper(GetUnitName("target", true); -- otherwise, just use the name as returned else UN = GetUnitName("target", false); end
--strip the spaces here, and return the new string function SpaceStripper(str) if str ~= nil then res=split(str, ' - '); local count = 0; for _ in pairs(res) do count = count + 1 end if (count == 1) then res2 = res[1]; else res2 = res[1]..'-'..res[3]; if (count > 3) then for i = 4, count, 1 do res2 = res2..res[i]; end end end end return res2; end
-- split function -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin function split(str, pat) local t = {} -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0 local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat local last_end = 1 local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1) while s do if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then table.insert(t,cap) end last_end = e+1 s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end) end if last_end <= #str then cap = str:sub(last_end) table.insert(t, cap) end return t end
Now using the above code, you will have a consistently formatted result from GetUnitName().
See UnitName for more details.