Admiral Odesyus is a level 60 quest giver located at Odesyus' Landing in the draenei starting zone of Azuremyst Isle. He is the leader of his fleet, of which the crew can be found around the landing. His navigational compass and maps have been stolen lately by Venture Co. goblins.
He starts the following quests:
[7] A Small Start
{{questlong|alliance|18|The Bloodcurse Legacy|The Bloodcurse Legacy}}
[9] I've Got a Plant
[9] Tree's Company
[9] Show Gnomercy
[9] Deliver Them From Evil...
Odesyus is one of the many who journey to Blood Watch to celebrate the hero of Bloodmyst and Azuremyst.
See List of Azuremyst Isle NPCs.
Conversation between "Cookie" McWeaksauce and Admiral Odesyus:
- Admiral Odesyus says: Hey, Cookie! What's for dinner tonight? And don't say chicken!
- "Cookie" McWeaksauce says: Yarr, Admiral. Let me think about it... Arrr... It be comin' into focus.
- "Cookie" McWeaksauce says: It looks like it be succulent pork ribs basted with its own delectable juices and a side o' Captain Sander's Secret Sauce - fer dippin'.
- "Cookie" McWeaksauce says: And fer dessert we be havin' cheesecake, flown in fresh from Stormwind on the wings o' angels...
- Admiral Odesyus says: Wow! Really?
- "Cookie" McWeaksauce says: No. Not really...
- <"Cookie" shoots a chicken>
- "Cookie" McWeaksauce says: It be chicken...
- Admiral Odesyus says: I hate you so much, Cookie.
He is named after the legendary Greek hero Odysseus, who was also a sailor, he was a major character of Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey.