Ahab Wheathoof <The Old Rancher> is a level 62 tauren quest giver located near Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore. He seems to be worried about his dog, Kyle.
He starts the quest [7] Kyle's Gone Missing!.
- See also: Mulgore NPCs
- Ahab Wheathoof says: I miss my dog so much!
- Ahab Wheathoof says: Where is that dog?
- Ahab Wheathoof says: Will you help me find my dog?
- Ahab was created by Tigole at the behest of Ezra Chatterton who toured Blizzard's offices with the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
- Despite his apparent advanced age, the voice of Ahab is actually that of Ezra himself. Ahab is uncategorized, much like oozes, and cannot be attacked by either Horde or Alliance by melee or spells.