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"The Ashbringer..." (TCG)

Alexandros Mograine,[2] also known as The Ashbringer,[3] was one of the leaders of the Silver Hand and the original wielder of the Ashbringer. He was murdered by his son Renault with the sword and raised as a death knight by Kel'Thuzad. He was originally encountered in Naxxramas as the leader of the Four Horsemen, but was replaced by Baron Rivendare in Wrath of the Lich King.

In the World of Warcraft, it is stated that Alexandros was one of the founders of the Scarlet Crusade. The comic would depict the formation of the Crusade occurring after Alexandros' death, in which case he would have never been a member.


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Alexandros Mograine - The Ashbringer

During the assault on Blackrock Spire in the Second War, Mograine of the Silver Hand witnessed an orcish warlock channeling magic through a dark orb. After the warlock's death, Mograine went to claim it for the Alliance, but his hand was badly mangled as soon as he touched it. Though describing the orb as the "living embodiment of shadow," he was still curious as to what power it might hold and kept it in an iron chest.

Mograine kept the orb a secret until the Scourge reached Lordaeron. He revealed it to several other members of the Silver Hand, suggesting that they search for the orb's polar opposite - a manifestation of the Light itself - to be used against the impending undead holocaust. Mograine's peers, appalled at the sight of this dark crystal, attempted to destroy it with a holy spell. Unexpectedly, the crystal absorbed the spell and became its antithesis, the very crystal of pure light that Mograine suggested moments before, and even restored life to his mangled hand. It was decided that from this crystal a weapon would be forged that would smite the undead with such power that only a cloud of ash would remain in its wake—The Ashbringer.

Under the command of Saidan Dathrohan, Mograine and Fairbanks traveled to Ironforge to ask King Magni Bronzebeard to forge the mighty blade. Magni, having only just learned of his brother's apparent demise, was more than willing to craft a weapon to battle the undead, and described it as the greatest creation wrought by his hand.

Death Knight[]

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Ashbringer Four Horsemen

Alexandros stands amongst the Four Horsemen and Kel'Thuzad.


Mograine as a death knight in Naxxramas.

Mograine and the other former Knights of the Silver Hand banded together to continue the war against the Lich King. Alexandros was appointed Highlord and the Ashbringer was the Order's greatest weapon. However, the blade caught the attention of Kel'Thuzad. Striking a deal with Balnazzar, who had covertly taken control of the Order by possessing Dathrohan and wished to use it against the Lich King, the two planned to kill him. To do so, Balnazzar corrupted Mograine's son Renault and had him lead his father into a trap. Renault led his father and High Inquisitor Fairbanks to Stratholme where an army of undead waited for them. Renault fled and Fairbanks, being the first to fall, was trapped under the pile of undead corpses. Mograine stood alone against the undead, yet managed to destroy all sent at him. In fatigue, Alexandros dropped his blade. Renault returned and killed Mograine with his own sword, corrupting the Ashbringer. Unable to use the blade, Renault left it with his father's corpse. However, Kel'Thuzad raised the Ashbringer's corpse turning him into a death knight of the Scourge, and reclaimed his blade. Kel'Thuzad took Mograine back to Naxxramas to have him serve as one of the Four Horsemen. Later, led by nightmares of his father's tortured soul, Alexandros's other son, Darion Mograine led a small group of Argent Dawn members into Naxxramas to free him. Darion was the only one to survive the assault, escaping with the blade but forced to leave his father's body behind.

When Darion returned to the Scarlet Monastery with the blade, Alexandros's corrupted spirit manifested and confronted Renault, accusing him of murder before mercilessly killing him. Later, during a Scourge assault on Light's Hope Chapel, Darion plunged the Ashbringer into his own chest in an act of self-sacrifice that obliterated the Scourge armies and seemingly freed Alexandros's soul of the Scourge's corruption. In doing so, however, Darion damned himself into undeath and was escorted off the battlefield by Kel'Thuzad.

In Wrath of the Lich King[]

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During the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, Darion - now a death knight himself and wielding the Corrupted Ashbringer - led an attack against Light's Hope Chapel but he was defeated by Tirion Fordring. During the dialogue between Darion and Tirion, Alexandros's spirit appeared and a dialogue between father and son - evidently a flashback of some kind - took place. Alexandros mentioned that Darion would one day wield Ashbringer. However, their reunion was cut short by the arrival of the Lich King, who claimed Alexandros's soul with Frostmourne.

In the [Unsealed Chest] taken from the Lich King after he is defeated by a raid in which someone is wielding [Shadowmourne], an item known as [Alexandros' Soul Shard] is found. When returned to Darion, Alexandros's spirit appears for the final time, thanking Darion for saving him from damnation.

As a result of his story advancement since his original in-game appearance, Alexandros did not return in Naxxramas with the rest of the Four Horsemen. According to Commander Eligor Dawnbringer's lecture in Wintergarde Keep, Alexandros "was the finest warrior that the Death Knights had ever seen. However, after the events in Azeroth, he vanished without a trace. Kel'Thuzad has appointed Baron Rivendare in his place."

With the Corrupted Ashbringer[]

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft. 3.0.2.

Alexandros Mograine

Players who obtained the [Corrupted Ashbringer] from the original version of Naxxramas could take it to the Scarlet Monastery and see a special event in which Alexandros Mograine returned, killed his son, and revived Fairbanks. With the updated lore in the comics and the expansion, however, this event and the information given by Fairbanks regarding the Ashbringer have mostly been retconned out.


From Ashbringer[]

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  • Ready yourselves, men! If it is blood these green-skined heathens crave then it is blood they shall have! Come you, knights! Raise hammers, bare steel! We fight to the end, we die if we must! For Lordaeron! FOR THE KING! ATTACK!
  • I love you, Elena! I always have loved you!
  • I love you, Darion!
  • I... Loved you, Renault.

At Light's Hope Chapel:

  • I love you, son. With all that I am... All I was... All I ever will be.
  • My soul will forever bear the weight of your sacrifice, my son. And just as you never gave up on me, I shall never give up on you. For you've taught me the most valuable lesson of all: Hope... Never dies.

In Naxxramas[]

  • Enough prattling. Let them come! We shall grind their bones to dust.
  • Conserve your anger! Harness your rage! You will all have outlets for your frustration soon enough.
  • Life is meaningless. It is in death that we are truly tested.
  • You seek death?
  • None shall pass!
  • Be still!
  • Bow to the might of the Highlord!
Killing a player
  • You will find no peace in death.
  • The master's will is done.
  •! Perhaps it's not too late to — noo! I need...more time...

Ashbringer's whispers[]

  • I...was...pure...once.
  • Fought...for...righteousness.
  • I...was...once...called...Ashbringer.
  • serve.
Mograine Flashback

Mograine in Darion's Flashback

  • Crusades... fed his rage.
  • him.
  • longer.
  • Balnazaar's... crusade... son.
  • Kill...them...all!

Battle for Light's Hope Chapel[]

  • My son! My dear, beautiful boy.
  • Nothing could have kept me away from you, Darion. Not from my homeland and family.
  • Darion Mograine, you are barely of age to hold a sword, let alone battle the Undead hordes of Lordaeron. I could not bear losing you, even the thought...
  • My son, there will come a day when you will command the Ashbringer, and with it mete out justice across this land. I have no doubt that when that day finally comes, you will bring pride to our people, and that Lordaeron will be a better place because of you. But, my son, that day is not today.
  • Do not forget...

Mograine's Reunion[]

Mograine Spirit

Mograine in Icecrown Citadel

Highlord Darion Mograine says: Father...
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: Darion, my son.
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: At last, I am able to lay my eyes upon you again.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Father. I feared for your... your sanity.
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: The Lich King tormented me without end, Darion.
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: Endlessly, he sought to break my will, to force me to serve him, to bind me to his blade...
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: Finally, when events demanded his full attention, he left me.
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: The one memory, I clung to, Darion... The one thought that kept me from giving in...
Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: It was your sacrifice, my son, that again saved me from eternal peril.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Father... For you, I would give my life a thousand times.




WoW Pro Lore Episode 64 - The Ashbringer

The creation of the Ashbringer

Patch changes[]

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See also[]

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External links[]

Naxxramas Light's Hope
Preceded by:
Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade
Succeeded by:
Taelan Fordring
Preceded by:
Possibly Sir Zeliek
Leader of the Four Horsemen
Succeeded by:
Baron Rivendare
Preceded by:
Sword forged
Wielder of the Ashbringer
Succeeded by:
Darion Mograine