- Alterac Swiss
- Item Level 55
- Requires level 45
- Use: Restores 2148 health over 30 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
- 1 Charges
- Sell Price: 2
- Vendor 40
This item can be found on various creatures, chests, cheese vendors and other vendors worldwide including:
Innkeeper Trelayne in Darkshire.
Craig Nollward, Cook, in the inn on Theramore Isle.
Elaine Trias, Mistress of Cheese of Trias' Cheese[68, 74] in Stormwind City.
Innkeeper Adegwa in Hammerfall.
Innkeeper Karakul in Stonard.
Vending machines inside zeppelins.
- Found inside Supply Crate (Stratholme)
This item is sold by vendors in a stack of 5 for the price listed.
Alterac Swiss as a quest objective[]
This item is an objective of [35] Clamlette Surpriseω τ ϖ.