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An aspect is a self-buff that is modelled after animals. The ability to assume the aspect of an animal is exclusive to Hunters. Hunters can learn a total of seven different Aspects. Only one Aspect can be active at a time and lasts until canceled. The different Aspects give the Hunter the ability to tailor him/herself for the upcoming battle. Two Aspects, Aspect of the Pack and Aspect of the Wild will be shared among party members.


  • Aspect of the Monkey: The Hunter takes on the characteristics of a monkey, increasing chance to dodge by 8%.
  • Aspect of the Hawk: The Hunter takes on the characteristics of a hawk, increasing Ranged Attack Power by X.
  • Aspect of the Cheetah: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter takes damage, he will be dazed for 4 sec.
  • Aspect of the Pack: The hunter and his/her group take on the characteristics of a pack of cheetahs, increasing all their movement speeds by 30%. If a pack member takes damage, they will be dazed for 4 sec.
  • Aspect of the Wild: The Hunter and his group take on the characteristics of the wilderness, gaining +X resistance to Nature damage.
  • Aspect of the Viper: The Hunter takes on the characteristics of a viper, regenerating mana equal to 55% of his intellect every 5 seconds.

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