Aquatic creatures, or aquatics, are creatures found in the seas or waters of the Warcraft universe.
Aquatic creatures of Azeroth[]
- Barnacle
- Surf Crawler
- Reef Crawler
- Sand Crawler
- Spider crab
- Giant crab[1]
- Thick-shelled Clam
- Small Barnacled Clam
- Big-mouth Clam
- Giant clam
- Porpoise
- Dolphin
- Orca whale
- Baleen whale
- Cachalot whale
- Grouper
- Lightning Eel
- Misty Reed Mahi Mahi
- Mithril Head Trout
- Oily Blackmouth
- Piranha
- Plated Armorfish
- Brilliant Smallfish
- Bristle Whisker Catfish
- Glossy Mightfish
- Greater Sagefish
- Longjaw Mud Snapper
- Nightfin Snapper
- Rainbow Fin Albacore
- Redgill
- Sagefish
- Shark
- Giant octopus
Aquatic creatures of Outland[]
- Bogstrok
- Crawdad