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Arathi Basin set refers to a three piece rare and epic quality honor reward class set.

Set Alliance Horde
Druid Druid The Highlander's Purpose
The Highlander's Will
The Defiler's Purpose
The Defiler's Will
Hunter Hunter The Highlander's Determination The Defiler's Determination
The Defiler's Fortitude
Mage Mage The Highlander's Intent The Defiler's Intent
Paladin Paladin The Highlander's Resolution
The Highlander's Resolve
Priest Priest The Highlander's Intent The Defiler's Intent
Rogue Rogue The Highlander's Purpose The Defiler's Purpose
Shaman Shaman - The Defiler's Determination
The Defiler's Fortitude
Warlock Warlock The Highlander's Intent The Defiler's Intent
Warrior Warrior The Highlander's Resolution The Defiler's Resolution

Level 58-60 Set Item Costs
Item Level Cost
Shoulders 60 12375 Honor point40 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
Waist 58 4125 Honor point20 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
Boots 58 4125 Honor point20 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
Total Cost 20625 Honor point80 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor

shortcut iconSee also: PvP-Epic, PvP-Rare 