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This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and official bonus maps.

The high elf arcane sanctum (L) and its blood elf equivalent (R).
Tutored in the Halls of Magic at the mystical city of Dalaran, sorceresses and priests diligently study their mysterious arts within the depths of the arcane sanctum. Over time, continuous study provides additional reserves of mana and the mastering of ever more difficult spells. It is also here that magical sentries may be called to allow the human towers to detect invisible enemy invaders.
The arcane sanctum helped the high elves fend off Arthas as he tried to attack their capital Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas in Warcraft III by producing caster units at the arcane sanctum. The blood elves could produce blood elf spell breakers in The Frozen Throne expansion campaign if Warcraft III. It cannot be built by the High elf workers โ probably due to the limited ability of the map editor prior to the Frozen Throne expansion. With the Frozen Throne expansion map editor, it is possible to make additional groups with building orders.
The arcane sanctum helped the blood elves and Kael'thas in the Warcraft III Frozen Throne human expansion campaign.
Statistics in Warcraft III[]
- 1050 HP
- 5 fortified armor
- Trains
Notable arcane sanctum locations in World of Warcraft[]
With the introduction of the blood elves into World of Warcraft, the arcane sanctum officially entered the game at the following locations:

A blood elf arcane arcane sanctum inside Quel'Thalas

A High elf arcane sanctum within Wintergarde Keep
- Eversong Woods
- North Sanctum, near the entrance to the Ruins of Silvermoon
- West Sanctum, north of the Sunsail Anchorage
- East Sanctum, in the middle of the Dead Scar
- Ghostlands
- Sanctum of the Moon, west of Tranquillien
- Sanctum of the Sun, southeast of Tranquillien
- Isle of Quel'Danas
- Sun's Reach Sanctum, south of the harbor
- Firewing Point, Terokkar Forest - east of Shattrath City
- Sanctum of the Stars, Shadowmoon Valley - west of Black Temple
- Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight - High elven arcane sanctum