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For the heirloom version of this Axe, see Bloodied Arcanite Reaper.
Inv axe 09
The arcanite reaper was long the mark of a true warrior in Azeroth. Having one crafted was like a rite of passage.[1]

Arcanite Reaper is a two-handed axe.


This item is crafted by Blacksmiths with a skill level of 300.

Materials required:
Inv misc stonetablet 05
20x [Arcanite Bar]
Inv misc rune 05
6x [Enchanted Leather]
Inv stone grindingstone 05
2x [Dense Grinding Stone]

[Plans: Arcanite Reaper] drop from Bannok Grimaxe in the Lower Blackrock Spire.


Arcanite Reaper
Arcanite Reaper TCG


  • The weapon remains something of an endearing symbol for veteran warriors since, due to weapon mechanics at the time, the axe's incredible attack speed made attacks such as Mortal Strike incredibly powerful. This led to the warrior class becoming, at level 60, much more adept at PvP. This is something that many warriors had been hoping for since release and the "awesome changes" in the beta and reversed the feeling by many that warriors had been left at the bottom of the PvP food chain. Soon after the Arcanite Reaper's popularization, many servers' low warrior-population reportedly surged. Before Windfury was nerfed and two handed weapon mechanics rebalanced, shamans were occasionally able to "one-shot" equal level players with inferior gear by utilizing the Arcanite Reaper and Windfury Weapon proc.
  • Arcanite reaper gained additional fame from the machinima movie, "Zinwrath: The Movie", where the famous saying "ARCANITE REAPER HOOOOOOOOOOO" originated, and gained further recognition from the machinima movie "Illegal Danish: Super Snacks".
  • Also the Arcanite Reaper is the favored weapon by the warlock minion Felguard.


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