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Achievement reputation argentchampion Neutral 15 Argent Valor 10 Achievement points
Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming an Valiant for your race's faction.

Argent Valor requires you become a Valiant for your racial faction in the Argent Tournament. If you complete this achievement, you will be rewarded with 10 Achievement point.

This achievement requires completion of one of the following quests, depending on your faction and race:

AIconSmall_Nightelf_MaleIconSmall_Nightelf_Female [80] A Valiant Of Darnassus
AIconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [80] A Valiant Of The Exodar
AIconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female [80] A Valiant Of Gnomeregan
AIconSmall Dwarf MaleIconSmall Dwarf Female [80] A Valiant Of Ironforge
AIconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female [80] A Valiant Of Stormwind

HIconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [80] A Valiant Of Orgrimmar
HIconSmall Troll MaleIconSmall Troll Female [80] A Valiant Of Sen'jin
HIconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [80] A Valiant Of Undercity
HIconSmall_Bloodelf_MaleIconSmall_Bloodelf_Female [80] A Valiant Of Silvermoon
HIconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [80] A Valiant Of Thunder Bluff

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