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Asterion is a level 15 quest giver located

[44, 36]

in Bashal'Aran in the night elven zone of Darkshore.

He starts the following quests:

  1. A [12] Bashal'Aran
  2. A [12] Bashal'Aran (2)
  3. A [13] Bashal'Aran (3)
  4. A [13] Bashal'Aran (4)

See List of Darkshore NPCs.


Though there were many towns and places of habitation constructed upon the lakeshore on northwestern Kalimdor, Ameth'Aran and Bashal'Aran were the foremost of these, having the touch of Azshara, the Kaldorei's beloved Queen, in their creation. She brought to the twin towns her favored servitors, the Highborne, and to govern them she placed Athrikus Narassin.

His second, a mage known for his prowess in the arcane arts as much as with his physical abilities, was Asterion, who lived among the people of Bashal'Aran, and went many times to Ameth'Aran to see to the needs and wants of its inhabitants.

After the Great Sundering, the powerful Athrikus Narassin used his craft to create a moonstone seal, forming a prison to hold Asterion by the means of magic. The reasons why he was held in the ruins of Bashal'Aran by his former master are unknown, but from that point on, he began a long and painful life. When he died centuries later, he discovered to his horror that even as a specter he was still imprisoned, and this was perhaps the worst torment of all.

In the current age, the ruins of Bashal'Aran are overrun with demonic minions. The sprites and satyrs that have taken up residence in the area feed upon the magical energies of the area, their powers growing from their continued exposure. Even so, they never approach the shrine of Asterion.

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