Badge of Justice, frequently also called Heroic tokens is a reward which drops from all boss kills in heroic mode or raid instances. When a boss drops badges, all raid members can loot them. In heroics, normal bosses drop one badge and the end boss two. In raid instances, all bosses usually drop two, in some cases the first boss of the instance may drop only one and the end boss three. The best place to farm them is Karazhan; a full clear of that instance yields 22 badges for each raid member.
The badges of justice can be spent at the following special vendors:
- G'eras in the Terrace of Light at the center of Shattrath City
- He offers a choice of Karazhan-level epic gear, resistance gear and Primal Nethers
- Smith Hauthaa after phase 3 of the Shattered Sun Offensive
- Zul'Aman-level epic gear (also comparable to drops from Serpentshrine Cavern/Tempest Keep)
- Kayri after phase 3 of the Shattered Sun Offensive
- PvP Epic gear.
- Shaani after phase 4 of the Shattered Sun Offensive
- All six types of craftable Burning Crusade epic gems (15 badges each)
In addition, Anwehu and Ontuvo can be found in the Terrace of Light next to the portal to Quel'Danas and have identical wares to Smith Hauthaa and Shaani respectively.
The following is a complete listing of the items which can be bought with [Badge of Justice] from the previous vendors.
Badge of Justice Merchandise[]
Cloth armor[]
Item | Location | Cost |
[Runed Spell-cuffs] | Wrist | 35 |
[Wristguards of Tranquil Thought] | Wrist | 35 |
[Studious Wraps] | Hands | 60 |
[Light-Blessed Bonds] | Hands | 60 |
[Voodoo-woven Belt] | Waist | 60 |
[Achromic Trousers of the Naaru] | Legs | 75 |
[Pantaloons of Arcane Annihilation] | Legs | 75 |
[Cowl of Naaru Blessings] | Head | 50 |
[Mana-Binders Cowl] | Head | 50 |
[Veteran's Dreadweave Belt] | Waist | 40 |
[Veteran's Dreadweave Cuffs] | Wrist | 25 |
[Veteran's Dreadweave Stalkers] | Feet | 40 |
[Veteran's Mooncloth Belt] | Waist | 40 |
[Veteran's Mooncloth Cuffs] | Wrist | 25 |
[Veteran's Mooncloth Slippers] | Feet | 40 |
[Veteran's Silk Belt] | Waist | 40 |
[Veteran's Silk Cuffs] | Wrist | 25 |
[Veteran's Silk Footguards] | Feet | 40 |
[Boots of Incantations] | Feet | 75 |
[Legwraps of Sweltering Flame] | Legs | 100 |
[Shroud of the Lore`nial] | Chest | 100 |
[Slippers of Dutiful Mending] | Feet | 75 |
[Adorned Supernal Legwraps] | Legs | 100 |
[Gown of Spiritual Wonder] | Chest | 100 |
[Enslaved Doomguard Soulgrips] | Hands | 75 |
[Corrupted Soulcloth Pantaloons] | Legs | 100 |
[Tormented Demonsoul Robes] | Chest | 100 |
Leather armor[]
Mail armor[]
Plate armor[]
Totems, Librams, & Idols[]
Item | Cost |
[Slikk's Cloak of Placation] | 35 |
[Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope] | 60 |
[Cloak of Subjugated Power] | 60 |
[Dory's Embrace] | 60 |
Item | Cost |
[Azure-Shield of Coldarra] | 33 |
[Light-Bearer's Faith Shield] | 33 |
[Mazthoril Honor Shield] | 33 |
Item | Type | Cost |
[Carved Witch Doctor's Stick] | Wand | 25 |
[Searing Sunblade] | Dagger | 50 |
[The Blade of Harbingers] | 2H Axe | 150 |
[Scryer's Blade of Focus] | Dagger | 150 |
[Crossbow of Relentless Strikes] | Crossbow | 150 |
[Staff of the Forest Lord] | Staff | 150 |
[Gavel of Naaru Blessings] | Mace | 150 |
[Vanir's Right Fist of Brutality] | Fist | 105 |
[Vanir's Left Fist of Savagery] | Fist | 45 |
[Vanir's Left Fist of Brutality] | Fist | 45 |
[Blade of Serration] | Dagger | 105 |
[Swift Blade of Uncertainty] | Dagger | 45 |
[The Mutilator] | Dagger | 45 |
Necklaces, Trinkets, & Rings[]
Item | Cost |
[Primal Nether] | 10 |
[Nether Vortex] | 15 |
Fire Resistance[]
Gem | Cost |
[Crimson Spinel] | 15 |
[Empyrean Sapphire] | 15 |
[Lionseye] | 15 |
[Pyrestone] | 15 |
[Shadowsong Amethyst] | 15 |
[Seaspray Emerald] | 15 |
- Offered immediately after the patch, the [Life-step Belt] has since been removed from the Badge offerings, and is now one of several drops in the Nalorakk timed encounter.
- The Battlemaster trinkets can also be purchased through the pvp reward system, costing 30000 honor points and 40 Alterac Valley marks each.