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Base mana refers to how much mana a character has before it is modified by talents, intellect, enchants, and other item effects. As of patch 3.0.2, all spell costs are a percentage of base mana. Prior to that, most spells cost a fixed amount of mana, rather than a percentage of base mana, with a few exceptions.

The value is dependent on class and race, only if you are gnome (5% more BaseRecurses)

Values at levels 70, 80, and 85[]

These are the correct values as of patch 2.4.3 for level 70,[citation needed] patch 3.0.8 for level 80,[1] and patch 4.0.1 for level 85.[2]

Class Base mana at 70 Base mana at 80 Base mana at 85
Druid 2370 3496 18635
Hunter 3383 5046 Got Focus
Mage 2241 3268 17418
Paladin 2953 4394 23422
Priest 2620 3863 20590
Shaman 2958 4396 23430
Warlock 2871 3856 20553


As stated above, the base mana pool is only dependent on character class. Each race will have the exact same base mana. The calculation is quite simple.

Base Mana = MaxMana - ManaFromIntellect
          = MaxMana - ( min(20, Int) + 15*(Int - min(20, Int) ) )
          = MaxMana - (20 + (15*(Int – 20)))       //for Intellect 20 or over
          = MaxMana - (Int)                        //for Intellect under 20

Mana From Intellect can be seen by hovering your mouse over the Intellect stat on your character screen. The part that says "Increase Mana by XXXX" is how much Intellect is boosting your max mana.

Note: Some talents and items boost max mana. e.g.:

Remove the effect of this talent before doing the computation. For example, if a character has 11000 mana and has a +10% mana effect, then divide 11000 by 1.1 first, to get 10000, then subtract the amount of mana it says is granted by Intellect.

Example : Kalium, Level 70 Human Warlock. Total Mana: 8695. Intellect Increases Mana by 5824.

Base Mana = 8695 - ( Talents = 0 ) = 8695
          = 8695 - 5824 
          = 2871 Base Mana Pool

As a sanity check, it can be noted that most spells (as of Patch 3.0.2) cost a percentage of base mana. This can make it very easy to verify that the numbers are correct.

For example, Rank 7 of Mind Flay for a level 70 priest without Focused Mind nor Shadow Focus costs 9% of base mana. In game, this shows up as 235 mana. 9% of 2620 is 235.8 (the numbers all get rounded down).

Table of all values[]

You can use the following script to print your current Base Mana value, assuming you have no mana increasing effects (such as warlock's Fel Vitality or a Beaming Earthsiege Diamond). The formula subtracts the amount of mana you gain though intelligence from your maximum mana.

/script local mm = UnitManaMax("player"); local int = UnitStat("player", 4); local mfi = math.min(20,int)+15*(int-math.min(20,int)); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("BaseMana: "" = ""-"..mfi);

The following table lists known Base Mana values for each class, by level.[3][4]

Level Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Shaman Warlock
1 50 65 100 60 110 55 90
2 - - 110 64 119 - -
3 - - - 84 - - -
4 - 98 - 90 - - -
5 - - 121 112 - - -
6 - - - 120 - - -
7 - - - 129 164 121 -
8 120 166 - 154 - - -
9 134 - - 165 - - -
10 149 - 196 192 - 175 -
11 165 - 215 205 - 190 -
12 182 - - 219 - 206 -
13 200 - - 249 - 223 -
14 219 298 263 265 - 241 -
15 239 - 271 282 - 260 -
16 260 - 295 315 - 280 -
17 282 - 305 334 - 301 -
18 305 - 331 354 - 323 -
19 329 - 343 390 - 346 -
Level Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Shaman Warlock
20 354 - 371 412 - 370 -
21 380 - 385 435 - 395 -
22 392 - 415 459 - 421 -
23 420 - 431 499 - 448 -
24 449 - - 525 480 476 -
25 479 - - 552 - 505 -
26 509 - 515 579 530 535 -
27 524 - - 621 - 566 -
28 554 - 556 648 - 598 -
29 584 - 592 675 - 631 -
30 614 - 613 702 - 665 -
31 629 - 634 729 - 699 -
32 659 - - 756 - 733 -
33 689 - - 798 - 767 -
34 704 - 712 825 - 786 -
35 734 - 733 852 - 820 -
36 749 - - 879 - 854 -
37 779 - - 906 - 888 -
38 809 - 811 933 - 922 -
39 824 1075 - 960 - 941 -
Level Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Shaman Warlock
40 854 - 853 987 911 975 -
41 869 - - 1014 - 1009 -
42 899 - - 1041 - 1028 965
43 914 - 916 1068 - 1062 -
44 944 - - 1110 - 1096 1022
45 959 - - 1137 - 1115 -
46 989 - - 1164 - 1149 -
47 1004 - - 1176 - 1183 -
48 1019 - 1021 1203 - 1202 -
49 1049 - - 1230 - 1236 -
50 1064 - - 1257 - 1255 -
51 1079 - - 1284 - 1289 -
52 1109 - 1090 1311 - 1313 -
53 1124 - - 1338 - 1342 -
54 1139 - 1117 1365 - 1376 -
55 1154 - 1138 1392 - 1395 -
56 1169 - - 1419 - 1414 -
57 1199 - - 1446 - 1448 -
58 1214 - - 1458 - 1467 -
59 1229 - - 1485 - 1501 -
Level Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Shaman Warlock
60 1244 - 1213 1512 - 1520 1522
61 1359 - - 1656 - 1664 -
62 1469 2053 - 1800 - 1808 -
63 1582 - 1521 1944 - 1951 -
64 1694 - - 2088 - 2095 -
65 1807 - - 2232 - 2239 -
66 1919 - - 2377 - 2383 -
67 2032 - 1932 2521 - 2527 -
68 2145 - 2035 2665 - 2670 -
69 2257 - - 2809 - 2814 -
70 2370 3383 2241 2953 2620 2958 2871
71 2482 - 2343 3097 - 3102 -
72 2595 3716 2625 3241 2868 3246 -
73 2708 - - 3385 - 3389 -
74 2820 - - 3529 - 3533 -
75 2933 - - 3673 3242 3677 -
76 3045 - - 3817 - 3821 -
77 3158 - - 3962 - 3965 -
78 3270 - 3063 4106 - 4108 -
79 3383 - - 4250 - 4252 -
80 3496 5046 3268 4394 3863 4396 3856
81 - - - - - - -
82 - - - 8582 - - -
83 - - - - - - -
84 - - - - - - -
85 - - - - - - -

Base mana versus the level. Graph has 9 lines, each indicating a certain class.

