Bernard Gump is a level 30 florist located in the Fragrant Flowers flower shop in the Trade District of Stormwind City.
[69, 70]He stands in the same room with Felicia Gump, who sells the same selection of bouquets.
Vendor information[]
[Beautiful Wildflowers]
[Black Rose]
[Bouquet of Black Roses]
[Bouquet of White Roses]
[Bruiseweed] (2)
[Earthroot] (1)
[Kingsblood] (1)
[Mageroyal] (2)
[Red Rose]
[Simple Wildflowers]
Bernard Gump, titled <Florist>, sells herbs as well. Felicia Gump, titled <Herbalism Supplier>, does not.
Bernard Gump is a reference to the character Forrest Gump in the movie Forest Gump — Bernard is a florist and Florist Gump sounds almost like Forrest Gump.