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Thunderaan, Prince of Air, son of Al'Akir the Windlord was attacked by Ragnaros the Firelord, in an attempt to heighten the already impressive power the fire elemental held. Ragnaros succeeded, though Thunderaan's power could not be completely taken into his form. What remained of Thunderaan was placed in a talisman of elemental binding, which was broken into two pieces, then given to the Firelord's two lieutenants, Baron Geddon (left half), and Garr (right half). These two halves are known as the Bindings of the Windseeker. They are required for the line of quests leading up to the forging of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].

The two halves[]

Spell ice lament
Spell ice lament

The right and left halves of the Bindings of the Windseeker. The approximate drop rate for each is 3%.
