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Inv axe 1h blacksmithing 02
  • Black Planar Edge
  • Item Level 123
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • Unique
  • Axe
  • One Hand"One Hand" is not in the list (Back, Chest, Feet, Finger, Hands, Head, Held in off-hand, Legs, Main Hand, Neck, ...) of allowed values for the "Item slot" property.
  • Speed 2.70
  • 172 - 320 Damage
  • (91.1 damage per second)
  • Durability 105 / 105
  • Requires level 70
  • Requires Master Axesmith
  • Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 21.
    Equip: Increases attack power by 44.
  • Icon-3D-48x48
  • Sell Price: 11g 70s 66c

The Black Planar Edge is upgraded main-hand specialty axe made by Master Axesmiths who are the only ones who can wield it. The original [The Planar Edge] axe is consumed in the crafting. It gives a higher bonus to critical strike rating and attack power.


Night elf attacking with the Black Planar Edge


This item is crafted by Blacksmiths with a skill level of 375 who also have the Axesmith specialty.

Materials Required
Inv axe 1h blacksmithing 01
1x [The Planar Edge]
Inv elemental primal nether
8x [Primal Nether]
Inv ingot felsteel
6x [Felsteel Bar]

The plans are taught by the Master Weaponsmiths in various cities.

Black Planar Edge as an ingredient[]


xternal links[]
