- Black Stallion Bridle
- Item Level 20
- Binds when picked up
- Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei
- Requires level 20
- Requires Riding (75)
- Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
- Sell Price: 25
- Vendor 1

Black stallion mount
This item can be purchased for 1 from Unger Statforth in the Wetlands. This is a faction-linked mount like the other horses sold by Unger Statforth, and non-human Alliance characters must be Exalted with Stormwind to purchase it.
Due to the lack of players heading to the Wetlands to buy their horses, this one was the source of many misconceptions. Some wrongly said that in order to buy the horse you needed to be exalted with Stormwind, even as a human. Others said it was no longer available or that it costs more than other mounts. People would often think that it was a new mount because it was sold under special circumstances. None of these were or are true; as the mount has been in the game as long as the others. The only difference between it and the other horse mounts is that it can only be bought in the Wetlands.
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