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Blackrock Outrunner can be found in Redridge Mountains.



BattleMasterGossipIconAbility Level School
Enrage Enrage 1 Arcane
Net Net 14 Physical


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Battleworn Axe [Battleworn Axe] 1 Drop Quest 21.9
Wool Cloth [Wool Cloth] 15 Drop Cloth 19.5
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Drop, Vendor Cloth 19.3
Haunch of Meat [Haunch of Meat] 5 Drop, Vendor Food 4.8
Ice Cold Milk [Ice Cold Milk] 5 Drop, Quest, Vendor Drink 2.6
Lesser Healing Potion [Lesser Healing Potion] 3 Crafted, Drop, Quest, Vendor Potions 1.3
Blackrock Gauntlets [Blackrock Gauntlets] 15 Drop Hands (Mail) 1.1
Minor Mana Potion [Minor Mana Potion] 5 Crafted, Drop, Quest, Vendor Potions 0.7
Stock Shortsword [Stock Shortsword] 14 Drop One-Handed Sword 0.3
Scroll of Intellect [Scroll of Intellect] 5 Drop, Quest, Vendor Scrolls 0.3
Scroll of Stamina [Scroll of Stamina] 5 Drop, Quest, Vendor Scrolls 0.3
Scroll of Agility [Scroll of Agility] 10 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.2
Scroll of Strength [Scroll of Strength] 10 Drop, Vendor Scrolls 0.2
Brocade Pants [Brocade Pants] 16 Drop Legs (Cloth) 0.2
Dirty Blunderbuss [Dirty Blunderbuss] 13 Drop Guns 0.2

0.01% Chance of a rare drop.
0.15% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.03% Chance of a common drop.
0.11% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

Pick pocket[]

Item Level Skill Slot Drop%
Haunch of Meat [Haunch of Meat] 5 Pick Pocket Food 6.2
Freshly Baked Bread [Freshly Baked Bread] 5 Pick Pocket Food 2.5
Lesser Healing Potion [Lesser Healing Potion] 3 Pick Pocket Potions 2.3
Tigerseye [Tigerseye] 15 Pick Pocket Gem 0.4
Shadowgem [Shadowgem] 20 Pick Pocket Gem 0.3

External links[]
