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Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) | Item | Ingredients | Source |
260 (280, 300) | [Windforged Leggings] | 16 [Mithril Bar] 2 [Breath of Wind] |
Trainer |
260 (280, 300) | [Earthforged Leggings] | 16 [Mithril Bar] 2 [Core of Earth] |
Trainer |
330 (340, 360) | [Heavy Earthforged Breastplate] | 8 [Adamantite Bar] 4 [Primal Earth] |
Trainer |
330 (340, 360) | [Stormforged Hauberk] | 8 [Adamantite Bar] 2 [Primal Water] 2 [Primal Air] |
Trainer |
Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) | Item | Ingredients | Source |
350 (360, 380) | [Nether Chain Shirt] | 6 [Hardened Adamantite Bar] 4 [Felsteel Bar] 8 [Khorium Bar] 20 [Primal Shadow] 20 [Primal Air] |
Trainer |
375 (385, 405) | [Twisting Nether Chain Shirt] | 1 [Nether Chain Shirt] 10 [Primal Nether] 10 [Primal Mana] |
Trainer |
375 (385, 405) | [Embrace of the Twisting Nether] | 1 [Twisting Nether Chain Shirt] 5 [Nether Vortex] |
Trainer |
Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) | Item | Ingredients | Source |
350 (360, 380) | [Breastplate of Kings] | 6 [Hardened Adamantite Bar] 6 [Eternium Bar] 8 [Khorium Bar] 8 [Primal Might] |
Trainer |
375 (385, 405) | [Bulwark of Kings] | 1 [Breastplate of Kings] 10 [Primal Nether] 10 [Primal Mana] |
Trainer |
375 (385, 405) | [Bulwark of the Ancient Kings] | 1 [Bulwark of Kings] 2 [Nether Vortex] |
Trainer |