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Known blood elf NPCs by zone level. The list excludes the blood elf-only areas of Eversong Woods, the Ghostlands, Silvermoon City, as well as Outland.

Name Location Zone Gives quests?
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleAmbassador Dawnsinger Grommash Hold Orgrimmar Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMaster Pyreanor Grommash Hold Orgrimmar No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleAndrissa Heartspear Hall of the Brave Orgrimmar No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleCouncilor Arial D'Anastasis Hall of Legends Orgrimmar No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleDoris Volanthius Hall of Legends Orgrimmar No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAmbassador Sunsorrow Royal Quarter Undercity Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleChampion Cyssa Dawnrose Royal Quarter Undercity No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleLyrlia Blackshield Royal Quarter Undercity No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAlthallen Brightblade Hunter Rise Thunder Bluff No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMehlar Dawnblade The Bulwark Tirisfal Glades Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleSurveyor Candress Shadow Ridge Azuremyst Isle Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMatis the Cruel Road east of the Vector Coil Bloodmyst Isle Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleFenissa the Assassin Vector Coil Bloodmyst Isle Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleTel'athion the Impure Tel'athion's Camp Bloodmyst Isle Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:Inlinegfx/img_link_data.json' not found. No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAdvisor Sorrelon Sepulcher Silverpine Forest No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMatero Zeshuwal Ratchet The Barrens No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleAdvisor Duskingdawn Tarren Mill Hillsbrad Foothills No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAdvisor Sunsworn Splintertree Post Ashenvale No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleBraelyn Firehand Sun Rock Retreat Stonetalon Mountains Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleMagistrix Elosai Freewind Post Thousand Needles Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleNemeth Hawkeye Grom'Gol Base Camp Stranglethorn Vale Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMyrokos Silentform Ravenholdt Manor Alterac Mountains No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleBalandar Brightstar Brackenwall Village Dustwallow Marsh Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleIthania North Point Tower Dustwallow Marsh Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleCersei Dusksinger Stonard Swamp of Sorrows Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAdvisor Sarophas Kargath Badlands Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleMagister Hawkhelm Thalassian Base Camp Azshara No
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleMagus Rimtori Thalassian Base Camp Azshara No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleSanath Lim-yo East of Valormok Azshara No
IconSmall BloodElf MaleAmbassador Ardalan Nethergarde Keep Blasted Lands Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleBloodmage Drazial East of Dreadmaul Hold Blasted Lands Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleBloodmage Lynnore East of Dreadmaul Hold Blasted Lands Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleMathredis Firestar Flame Crest Burning Steppes Yes
IconSmall BloodElf MaleLothos Riftwaker Central rock Blackrock Mountain Yes
IconSmall BloodElf FemaleLethtendris East side Dire Maul



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