Bloodaxe Worg Pups can be found in Blackrock Spire at the boss Halycon. Bloodaxe Worg Pups can be tamed by a hunter.
Level | Type | Slot | Drop % | |
[Red Wolf Meat] | 30 | Trade Good | 50.40% | |
[Tender Wolf Meat] | 40 | Trade Good | 47.50% | |
[Thick Furry Mane] | 1 | Junk | 28.98% | |
[Large Trophy Paw] | 1 | Junk | 12.38% | |
[Wicked Claw] | 45 | Trade Good | 4.99% |
0.09% Chance of a rare drop.
1.26% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.09% Chance of a common drop.
0.06% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.
Level | Drop% | |
[Rugged Leather] | 50 | 49.65% |
[Thick Leather] | 40 | 41.20% |
[Rugged Hide] | 50 | 3.54% |
[Thick Hide] | 40 | 2.72% |