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Bog beast

Bog beasts are large plant-like creatures, often found in temperate marshes of Azeroth.

These massive plants may be mistaken for a thick clump of vegetation… if not for their vaguely humanoid shapes and surprising mobility. As the name suggests, bog-beasts are massive, shambling monsters that are half plant and half beast. Not much is known about these secretive lords of the swamp, except that they are territorial and rather aggressive.

Explorers have recorded stories of their immense strength and resilience to harm. Bog-beasts are known to wander the Dustwallow Marsh, south of the Barrens. Bog-beasts use their strength to slam into their enemies, crushing opponents' defenses with their fists and whatever large objects they can throw at them.[1][2]

Bog-beasts are also found in the Swamp of Sorrows, Ashenvale, and Teldrassil.[3][4][5][6]

Unlike animals, they reproduce by seeds. In some ways, they reflect the natural order of plants and animals.[citation needed]


  • The plant-creatures of timberlings and thistleshrubs and the conglomerate elemental creatures tar beasts, while using the same model as bog beasts, are each considered separate types of creatures.[7] Bog beasts remain a broad categorization for the various varieties yet, though.
  • These creatures are classified as elementals in the World of Warcraft. In lore, however, they vary (depending on type) between being elementals ("timberlings", "thistleshrubs", "tar beasts")[7][8][9] and/or ambulatory plants.[1][10] That being the case, a Warlocks can use their banish-spells on them (which is something that one may overlook, due to the fact that bog-beasts don't look like usual elementals or demons).
  • The twitching cores of Bloodpetal Sprouts in Un'Goro Crater do highly resemble the heads of bog-beasts.
  • Loatheb is an undead Fungal monster, a "hideous result of fusing the living plague with bog beasts of Azeroth".

