Boiling Point is an interlude in the undead campaign Legacy of the Damned.
<poem> King Arthas - We've made it, Anub'arak. Our forces are already assembled and waiting.
- The two march towards a group of Undead.
Necromancer - Greetings, King Arthas. You've arrived just in time. Illidan's naga and blood elf forces have taken up position at the base of the glacier and-- King Arthas - Aarrgh… The Lich King - Arthas, my champion. You have come at last. King Arthas - Master? The Lich King - There is a fracture in my prison, the Frozen Throne, and my energies are seeping from it. That is why your powers have diminished. King Arthas - But how? The Lich King - The runeblade, Frostmourne, was once locked inside the Throne as well. I thrust it from the ice so that it would find its way to you… and then lead you to me. The Lich King - And so it has. The Lich King - For now we face a grave danger. My creator, the demonlord, Kil'jaeden, sent his agents here to destroy me. The Lich King - If they should reach the Frozen Throne before you, all will be lost. The Scourge will be undone. Now hurry! I will grant you all the power I can spare. King Arthas - I saw another vision of the Lich King. He has restored my powers! I know now what I must do. It's time to end the game… once and for all.