- For statistics, see Warcraft III structures.
This article or section contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and official bonus maps.
The Boneyard is the home of the frost wyrms, once magnificent dragons now reduced to skeletal frames, manipulated by the dark magic of the Scourge to serve the Lich King. Frost wyrms have a crippling ability to cast their freezing breath onto enemy forces and buildings. In large numbers, frost wyrms present a truly dominating force.[1] (W3Man 44)
In World of Warcraft[]
Boneyards of the Scourge such as Galakrond's Rest and Sindragosa's Fall can be found throughout Northrend. Rather than a constructed building, they seem to be excavations of dragon bones.