- Bottle of Pinot Noir
- Item Level 1
- Requires level 1
- Use: A fairly weak alcoholic beverage.
- 1 Charges
- Sell Price: 12
- Vendor 50
This item can be purchased for 50 from:
- Joshua Maclure <Vintner> in Elwynn Forest
- Roberto Pupellyverbos <Merlot Connoisseur> in Stormwind City
- Barkeep Dobbins <Bartender> in Elwynn Forest
- Sergeant De Vries <Morale Officer> in Elwynn Forest
- Julia Gallina <Wine Vendor> in Stormwind City
- Jarel Moor <Bartender> in Stormwind City
- Joachim Brenlow <Bartender> in Stormwind City
- Elly Langston <Barmaid> in Stormwind City
- Keeg Gibn <Ale and Wine> in Dun Morogh
- Nixxrax Fillamug <Food and Drink> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Innkeeper Firebrew <Innkeeper> in Dun Morogh
- Gwenna Firebrew <Barmaid> in Dun Morogh
- Edris Barleybeard <Barmaid> in Dun Morogh
- Bruuk Barleybeard <Bartender> in Dun Morogh
- Barkeep Morag in Orgrimmar
- Malgin Barleybrew <Bael'dun Morale Officer> in The Barrens
- Vinemaster Suntouched <Wine & Spirits Merchant> in Silvermoon City
- Caregiver Topher Loaal <Innkeeper> in Bloodmyst Isle
- Alexston Chrome <Tavern of Time> in Tanaris
- Sailor Melinan <Drink Vendor> in Eversong Woods
- Kylene <Barmaid> in Shattrath City
- Vinemaster Alamaro <Wine Vendor> in Shattrath City
- Boots <B.O.O.M. Master Mixologist> in Netherstorm
This item drops from Stomper Kreeg in Dire Maul.
This item is a quest reward from [2] Wine Shop Advertω τ ϖ.
Drinking this counts towards the Achievement It's Happy Hour Somewhere