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Old Treasure Chest -
Buccaneer's Strongbox -
Waterlogged Footlocker (Lockpicking 70) -
Arena Treasure Chest -
The Jewel of the Southsea -
Dented Footlocker (Lockpicking 225) -
Gallywix's Lockbox -
Secret Safe
All items (230)
- Adamantite Bound Chest
- Alexston's Chest
- File:Alexston's Chest.jpg
- Alexstrasza's Gift
- Alliance Strongbox
- File:Alliance Strongbox.jpg
- Amani Charm Box
- File:Amani Charm Box.jpg
- Ambermill Strongbox
- Ancient Chest
- File:Ancient Chest.jpg
- Ancient Treasure
- File:Ancient Treasure.jpg
- Arena Treasure Chest
- Baelog's Chest
- Benedict's Chest
- Buccaneer's Strongbox
- File:Buccaneer's Strongbox.jpg
- Burial Chest
- File:Burial Chest.jpg
- Burning Blade Stash
- File:Burning Blade Stash.jpg
- Cabal Chest
- File:Cabal Chest.jpg
- Cache of the Legion
- File:CacheoftheLegion.jpg
- Captain's Chest
- The Captain's Chest
- File:Captain's Chest.jpg
- Caravan Chest
- File:Caravan Chest.jpg
- Champion's Cache
- Chest of Nesting
- File:Chest of Nesting.jpg
- Chest of the Black Feather
- File:Chest of the Black Feather.jpg
- Chest of the Raven Claw
- File:Chest of the Raven Claw.jpg
- Chest of The Seven
- Chest of the Sky
- File:Chest of the Sky.jpg
- Coilskar Chest
- Confessor's Cache
- Cozzle's Footlocker
- Damaged Chest
- File:Damaged Chest.jpg
- Dark Cleric Salem's Chest
- File:Dark Cleric Salem's Chest.jpg
- Darkspine Ore Chest
- Dead-tooth's Strongbox
- Defias Strongbox
- File:Defias Strongbox.jpg
- Dented Chest
- Dented Footlocker (Lockpicking 225)
- Doan's Strongbox
- File:Doan's Strongbox.jpg
- Document Chest
- Doomrigger's Coffer
- Duskwood Chest
- File:Duskwood Chest.jpg
- Dust Covered Chest
- File:Dust Covered Chest.jpg
- Dusty Reliquary
- File:Dusty Reliquary.jpg
- MacGrann's Meat Locker
- Malor's Strongbox
- Marshal Haggard's Chest
- Marvon's Chest
- Massive Treasure Chest
- File:Metal Chest.png
- Metal Coffer
- File:Metal Coffer.jpg
- File:Mist Veil's Lockbox.jpg
- Moss-Covered Chest
- Mossy Footlocker (Lockpicking 225)
- File:Mossy Footlocker (Lockpicking 225).jpg
- Salrand's Lockbox
- Scarlet Footlocker
- File:Scarlet Footlocker.jpg
- Secret Safe
- File:Secret Safe.jpg
- File:Shadowforge Cache.jpg
- Shay's Chest
- File:Shay's Chest.jpg
- File:Silver Dawning's Lockbox.jpg
- Small Lockbox
- Smoldering Chest
- Sothos and Jarien's Heirlooms
- Sparktouched Crystal Defenses
- File:Spectral Lockbox.jpg
- Stolen Iron Chest
- File:Stolen Iron Chest.jpg
- File:Stolen Silver.jpg
- Storage Chest
- Strange Lockbox
- File:Strange Lockbox.jpg
- Sturdy Chest
- Sturdy Treasure Chest
- Sunken Chest
- File:Sunken Chest.jpg
- Sunken Treasure