This category is for ferocity beasts that hunters can tame. These beasts have a high damage bonus, making them good for DPS fights.
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All items (468)
- King Bangalash
- Barnabus
- Bayne
- Beryl Hound
- Bhag'thera
- Bjomolf
- Black Ravager
- Black Ravager Mastiff
- Black Slayer
- Blackrock Battle Worg (Elwynn)
- Blackrock Worg
- Blacksting
- Blackwald Fox
- Blackwind Sabercat
- Bladespire Raptor
- Bladespire Ravager
- Bleak Worg
- Bleeding Hollow Worg
- Blisterpaw Hyena
- Bloodaxe Worg
- Bloodaxe Worg Pup
- Bloodfen Lashtail
- Bloodfen Raptor
- Bloodfen Razormaw
- Bloodfen Screecher
- Bloodhound
- Bloodhound Mastiff
- Bloodmaul Battle Worg
- Bloodmaul Dire Wolf
- Bloodscalp Tiger
- Bloodsnarl Hyena
- Bloodsnout Worg
- Bloodtalon Scythemaw
- Bloodtalon Taillasher
- Bloodthirsty Tundra Wolf
- Bloodthirsty Worg
- Bogflare Needler
- Bonelasher
- Bonepaw Hyena
- Bonepicker
- Bonestripper Buzzard
- Bonestripper Vulture
- Brimstone Hound
- Broken Tooth
- Buzzard
- Carrion bird
- Carrion Horror
- Carrion Vulture
- Centipaar Stinger
- Centipaar Wasp
- Chromaggus
- User:Ckrius
- Core hound
- Core Hound
- Core Hound (Hyjal)
- Core Rager
- Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw
- Coyote (mob)
- Coyote Packleader
- Crag Coyote
- Crag Stalker
- Cursed Darkhound
- Cursed Offspring of Har'koa
- Daggermaw Blackhide
- Daggermaw Lashtail
- Dark Worg
- Dart
- Death Howl
- Deathmaw
- Decrepit Darkhound
- Deviate Creeper
- Deviate Guardian
- Deviate Ravager
- Deviate Slayer
- Deviate Stalker
- Devilsaur
- Devilsaur (mob)
- Dire Condor
- Diseased Timber Wolf
- Diseased Wolf
- Diseased Young Wolf
- Dishu
- Dragonbone Condor
- Dragonflayer Hunting Hound
- Dragonflayer Worg
- Drakkari Gutripper
- Drakkari Scytheclaw
- Dread Flyer
- Dread Ripper
- Dread Swoop
- Dreadbeast
- Dreadsaber
- Dreadtalon
- Durotar Tiger
- Duskstalker
- Fanggore Worg
- Feline
- Felpaw Ravager
- Felpaw Scavenger
- Felpaw Wolf
- Felsworn Daggermaw
- Feng
- Feral Crag Coyote
- Feral Mountain Lion
- Feral Nightsaber
- Fern Feeder Moth
- Ferndweller Wasp
- Fire Roc
- Flatland Cougar
- Flatland Prowler
- Fleeting Plainstrider
- Fleshripper
- Foreststrider
- Foreststrider Fledgling
- Fox (mob)
- Frenzied Plaguehound
- Frost Leopard
- Frostsaber
- Frostsaber Cub
- Frostsaber Huntress
- Frostsaber Pride Watcher
- Frostsaber Stalker
- Frostwolf (mob)
- Galak Packhound
- Gara
- Ghost Howl
- Ghost Saber
- Ghostclaw Lynx
- Ghostclaw Ravager
- Ghostcrawler (mob)
- Ghostpaw Alpha
- Ghostpaw Howler
- Ghostpaw Runner
- Giant Buzzard
- Giant Ember Worg
- Giant Foreststrider
- Giggler
- Gilnean Hound
- Gizrul the Slavener
- Glopgut Warhound
- Gondria
- Goodie
- Gordok Hyena
- Gordok Mastiff
- Goreclaw the Ravenous
- Gorefang
- Goremaw
- Gorge Stalker
- Gorishi Stinger
- Gorishi Wasp
- Gray Forest Wolf
- Greater Firebird
- Greater Fleshripper
- Greater Plainstrider
- Greater Timberstrider
- Grizzlesnout
- Grovestalker Lynx
- Gundrak Raptor