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- Articles related to spawning and despawning things not always present in the game world should not be in this category. The correct category is the Objects category. Please change the category code of such articles to
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All items (500)
- A Conspicuous Gravestone
- A Dwarven Corpse
- A half-eaten body
- A Weathered Grave
- A Wrecked Raft
- Abandoned Wagon
- Abbey Bell Rope
- Activation Crystal
- Ahn'kahet Brazier
- Akali Chain Anchor
- Alchemy Lab
- Alliance Military Ranks
- Alonsus Chapel Eternal Flame
- Altar of Aggonar
- Altar of Elune
- Altar of Goc
- Altar of Hakkar
- Altar of Moorabi
- Altar of Slad'ran
- Altar of Suntara
- Altar of the Drakkari Colossus
- Altar of the Tides
- Altar of Tidal Mastery
- Altar of Zanza
- Ambermill Strongbox
- An Empty Jar
- Ancient Flame
- Ancient Inscription
- Ancient Nerubian Device
- Andron's Bookshelf
- Anomalus' Containment Sphere
- Anub'ar Mechanism
- Anvil
- Apexis Monument
- Apexis Relic
- Ara Control Console
- Arcano Control Unit
- Archivum Console
- Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor
- Arelion's Knapsack
- Artificial Extrapolator
- Atal'ai Statue
- Auchenai Coffin
- Balia'mah Trophy Skulls
- Barbershop Chair
- Barrow Cache
- Bash'ir Crystalforge
- Bath'rah's Cauldron
- Battered Tackle Box
- Beached Sea Creature
- Beached Sea Turtle
- Bell Rope
- Berard's Bookshelf
- The Black Anvil
- The Black Forge
- Black Shield
- Blazing Warmaul Pyre
- Blood-Caked Altar
- Bloodcrystal
- Bloodsail Correspondence
- Bloodstone Signal Fire
- Book "Soothsaying for Dummies"
- Bookie Herod's Records
- Bookie Herod's Strongbox
- Booty Bay Alarm Bell
- Box of Incendiaries
- Brazier of Everfount
- Brazier of Hatred
- Brazier of Malice
- Brazier of Pain
- Brazier of Suffering
- Broken Barrel
- Broken Tablet
- Broken Trap
- Bubbling Cauldron
- Burblegobble's Bauble
- Burning Brazier
- Burning Crystal
- Buzzbox 323
- Buzzbox 411
- Buzzbox 525
- Buzzbox 827
- Cabal Chest
- Cannon (Arathi Highlands)
- Captain's Chest
- Captain's Footlocker (Dustwallow Marsh)
- Captain's Footlocker (Westfall)
- Cart Release
- Case of Orcish Grog
- Catalogue of the Wayward
- Cauldron of Vrykul Blood
- Celestial Planetarium Access
- Central Beacon
- Central Lightning Forge
- Coldarra Geological Monitor
- Command Tent
- Concealed Control Panel
- Control Console
- Corpse Laden Boat
- Coruu Control Console
- Cozzle's Footlocker
- Crate of Candles
- Crate of Foodstuffs
- Crystal Prison
- Crystal pylon
- Crystal Ward (NPC)
- Crystalline Tear
- Cursed Cauldron
- Dalaran Crate
- Dark Coffer
- Deadwood Cauldron
- Decorated Gravestone
- Decorated Headstone
- Defense Control Crystal
- Defias Cannon (object)
- Den of Dying Plague Cauldron
- Denalan's Planter
- Dented Chest
- Diagnostic Equipment
- Discs of Norgannon
- Doan's Strongbox
- Document Chest
- Drakuru's Brazier
- Drizzlik's Emporium
- Druids' Cache
- Duro Control Console
- Duskwither Spire Power Source
- Dusty Journal (Ghostlands)
- Dusty Rug
- Dusty Shelf
- Fall of Gurubashi
- Featherbeard's Journal
- Featherbeard's Remains
- Fel Crystalforge
- Feralas: A History
- Fermented Seed Beer Keg
- Fire Plume Ridge Hot Spot
- First Burning Blade Pyre
- First Witherbark Cage
- Flame of Azel
- Flame of Byltan
- Flame of Imbel
- Flame of Lahassa
- Flame of Samha
- Flame of Uzel
- Flame of Veraz
- Forge
- Fossilized Egg
- Fragile - Do Not Drop
- Fresh Fish Rack
- Fresh Threshadon Carcass
- Frostblade Shrine
- Frozen Waterfall
- Galen's Strongbox
- Gan'jo's Chest
- Gatekeeper's Hold
- Gateway Murketh
- Gateway Shaadraz
- Geru Strider
- Gilded Brazier
- Gong
- Gong of Bethekk
- Gong of Zul'Farrak
- Gorgrom's Altar
- The Great Anvil
- Green Spot Grog Keg
- Gri'lek the Wanderer
- Guild bank
- Gurgleboggle's Bauble