Quest givers that are also human.
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Brigitte Abbendis
All items (472)
- Brigitte Abbendis
- High Crusader Adelard
- Admiral Dvorek
- Alchemist Adrianna
- Caretaker Alen
- Jacob Alerius
- Baros Alexston
- Alicia
- Isaac Allerton
- Mary Allerton
- William Allerton
- Sergeant Altumus
- Warden Alturas
- Archmage Alturus
- Lieutenant Amadi
- Sergeant Amelyn
- Andarl
- Master Woodsman Anderhol
- High Sorcerer Andromath
- Priestess Anetta
- Anson Hastings
- Brother Anton
- Warmage Anzim
- Alchemist Arbington
- Smith Argus
- Orphan Matron Aria
- Private Arun
- Watcher Backus
- Harlan Bagley
- Dockmaster Baren
- Old Man Barlo
- Marcus Barlowe
- Weldon Barov
- Bartleby
- Justin Bartlett
- Royal Factor Bathrilor
- Vanessa Beltis
- Archmage Berinand
- Bertelm
- Guard Berton
- Llane Beshere
- Watcher Biggs
- Privateer Bloads
- Orbaz Bloodbane
- Mor'zul Bloodbringer
- Recruitment Officer Blythe
- Annie Bonn
- Karl Boran
- Bountiful Table Hostess
- Captain Brandon
- Private Brau
- Chef Breanna
- Khelden Bremen
- Crusader Bridenbrad
- Field Marshal Brock
- Harry Burlguard
- Guard Byron
- Caged Prisoner
- Calor
- Professor Calvert
- Jennea Cannon
- Admiral Cantlebree
- Buck Cantwell
- Captain Broderick
- Captured Trapper
- Elaine Carevin
- Jonathan Carevin
- Don Carlos
- Merideth Carlson
- Corporal Carnes
- Scout Captain Carter
- Ambo Cash
- Cassius the White
- Catelyn Runeweaver
- Archmage Celindra
- Lieutenant Chadwick
- Marcia Chase
- Cheerful Dalaran Spirit
- Demisette Cloyce
- Foreman Colbey
- Old Man Colburn
- Bailiff Conacher
- Condenna the Pitiless
- Ilsa Corbin
- Costumed Orphan Matron
- "Dirty" Michael Crowe
- Brother Crowley
- Wing Commander Dabir'ee
- Clerk Daltry
- Barkeep Daniels
- Timothy Daniels
- Captain Danuvin
- Tilda Darathan
- Darcy
- Andrion Darkspinner
- Wendy Darren
- Daryl the Youngling
- Eligor Dawnbringer (Light's Hope Chapel)
- Eligor Dawnbringer (Wintergarde)
- James Deacon
- Kirsta Deepshadow
- Skyguard Handler Deesak
- The Defias Traitor
- Bishop DeLavey
- Delgren the Purifier
- Deliana
- Acolyte Dellis
- Delora Lionheart
- Highlord Demitrian
- Loremaster Dibbs
- Divemaster Birmingham
- Watcher Dodds
- Librarian Donathan
- Lieutenant Doren
- Angela Dosantos
- Sergeant Downey
- Woodsman Drake
- Dorian Drakestalker
- Knight-Captain Drosche
- Duane
- Marshal Dughan
- Nathaniel Dumah
- Lieutenant Dumont
- Commander Duron
- Dying Soldier
- Marshal Haggard
- Haggard War Veteran
- Inquisitor Hallard
- James Halloran
- Mark Hanes
- Hank the Hammer
- "Silvermoon" Harry
- Sergeant Hartman
- Sergeant Hartsman
- Calia Hastings
- Jeremiah Hawning
- Medic Hawthorn
- Engineer Helice
- Private Hendel
- Kerri Hicks
- Hidalgo the Master Falconer
- Highbank Lieutenant
- Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown
- Hired Courier (Alliance)
- Joseph Holley
- Guard Howe
- Commander Howser
- Hudson Barnes
- Katie Hunter
- Vincent Hyal