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- Abomination (Hyjal)
- Bat Handler Adeline
- Adyen the Lightwarden
- Alestos
- Alliance Berserker
- Alliance Cleric
- Alliance Commander
- Alliance Ranger
- Chancellor Amai
- Amani'shi Flame Caster
- Amani'shi Lookout
- Amani'shi Protector
- Amani'shi Warbringer
- Sentinel Amberline
- Master Woodsman Anderhol
- Queen Angerboda
- Greatmother Ankha
- Anton
- Apocalypse Guard
- Apothecary Karlov
- Arazmodu
- Commander Arcus
- Ashtongue Mystic
- Ashtongue Rogue
- Ashtongue Stormcaller
- Astromancer
- Emil Autumn
- Azure Skyrazor
- Fenrick Barlowe
- Senior Scrivener Barriga
- Shadowstalker Barthus
- Prospector Belvar
- Big Roy
- Black Conrad's Ghost
- Lyrlia Blackshield
- Blacksouled Keeper
- Max Blasto
- Bloodwarder Legionnaire
- Bloodwarder Squire
- Bloodwarder Vindicator
- Recruitment Officer Blythe
- Broff Bombast
- Bone Witch
- Bonechewer Shield Disciple
- Bonechewer Taskmaster
- Overlord Bor'gorok
- Rosemary Bovard
- Devin Brevig
- Brom Brewbaster
- Althallen Brightblade
- Sock Brightbolt
- Tink Brightbolt
- Field Marshal Brock
- Engineer Burke
- Frederic Burrhus
- Bat Handler Camille
- Captain Dranarus
- Fathom-Guard Caribdis
- Recruitment Officer Carven
- Cataclysm Hound
- Apothecary Chaney
- Chaos Gazer
- Chaotic Rift
- Chillmere Coastrunner
- Churn
- Benjamin Clegg
- Coilfang Beast-Tamer
- Coilfang Fathom-Witch
- Coilfang Hate-Screamer
- Coilfang Priestess
- Coilfang Serpentguard
- Coilfang Shatterer
- Coilskar General
- Coilskar Harpooner
- Coilskar Sea-Caller
- Coilskar Soothsayer
- Coilskar Wrangler
- Concubine
- Crazed Mana-Surge
- Crazed Mana-Wraith
- Crazed Murkblood Foreman
- Crimson Hand Battle Mage
- Crimson Hand Centurion
- Crystalline Frayer
- Crystalline Keeper
- Crystalline Protector
- Crystalline Tender
- Cyclothar
- Daegarn
- Sergeant Daelian
- Deathless Watcher
- Deranged Indu'le Villager
- Lanolis Dewdrop
- Bernadette Dexter
- Mindri Dinkles
- Doomfire Destroyer
- Doomguard Punisher
- Doomwalker
- Dormant Vrykul
- Dragonflayer Ambusher
- Dragonmaw Sky Stalker
- Dragonmaw Wyrmcaller
- Dreadbeast
- Dreamwarden Lurosa
- Drigoth
- Lieutenant Dumont
- Duncan Fallers
- Duyash the Cruel
- Gammothra the Tormentor
- Gargoyle (Hyjal)
- Garwal
- Fumblub Gearwind
- Ghoul (Hyjal)
- Giant Infernal
- Gjalerbron Gargoyle
- Glacion
- Glrggl
- Glrglrglr
- Godfrey Goodard
- Darin Goodstitch
- Greater Shadowbat
- Greyheart Shield-Bearer
- Greyheart Skulker
- Greyheart Spellbinder
- Greyheart Technician
- Greyheart Tidecaller
- Apothecary Grick
- The Grinder
- Gil Grisert
- Snow Tracker Grumm
- Guardian of the Eagle
- Guardian of the Falcon
- Guardian of the Hawk
- Gul'bor
- Chieftain Gurgleboggle