This category contains NPCs in Stormwind City.
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All items (380)
- Adam
- Adherent Hanjun
- Field Marshal Afrasiabi
- Bethany Aldire
- Baros Alexston
- Alicia
- Steven Allen
- Alliance Brigadier General
- Alyn Black
- High Sorcerer Andromath
- Captain Angelica
- Janey Anship
- Anson Hastings
- Gregory Ardus
- Arena Promoter
- Aron Kyleson
- Arthur the Faithful
- Kathrum Axehand
- Jalane Ayrole
- Aysa Cloudsinger
- Harlan Bagley
- Bario Matalli
- Bartleby
- Royal Factor Bathrilor
- Ol' Beasley
- Behsten
- Archbishop Benedictus
- Twilight Father
- Brother Benjamin
- Master Sergeant Biggins
- Billy
- Elerion Bladedancer
- Alexandra Bolero
- Georgio Bolero
- Benik Boltshear
- Keldric Boucher
- Kyra Boucher
- Officer Brady
- Bralla Cloudwing
- Joachim Brenlow
- Einris Brightspear
- Aedis Brom
- Brunn Goldenmug
- Harry Burlguard
- John Burnside
- Newton Burnside
- Olivia Burnside
- Bwemba
- Ardwyn Cailen
- Jennea Cannon
- Captain Lancy Revshon
- Brohann Caskbelly
- Brother Cassius
- Catherine Rogers
- Celestine of the Harvest
- Karlee Chaddis
- Paige Chaddis
- Auctioneer Chilton
- Sergeant Major Clate
- Demisette Cloyce
- Billibub Cogspinner
- Commander Sharp
- Ilsa Corbin
- Jessara Cordell
- Lucan Cordell
- Craggle Wobbletop
- Crithto
- Bryan Cross
- Brother Crowley
- Duncan Cullen
- Archmage Gaiman
- Gakin the Darkbinder
- Julia Gallina
- Renato Gallina
- Suzetta Gallina
- Gavin Marlsbury
- General Hammond Clay
- Genevieve
- Ander Germaine
- Gil
- Adair Gilroy
- Mason Goldgild
- Gend Goldwing
- Crier Goodman
- Carla Granger
- Maris Granger
- Kelly Grant
- Kimberly Grant
- Genn Greymane
- Alyssa Griffith
- Seoman Griffith
- Bernard Gump
- Felicia Gump
- David Langston
- Elly Langston
- Jenn Langston
- Reese Langston
- Evan Larson
- Aldwin Laughlin
- Rebecca Laughlin
- High Priestess Laurena
- League of Arathor Emissary
- Arnold Leland
- Catherine Leland
- Leria Nightwind
- Liliana Emberfrost
- Dane Lindgren
- Erich Lohan
- Furen Longbeard
- Dungar Longdrink