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As of mid-August 2017.[1]


Realm-to-Realm limitations
  • Characters can only transfer between realms and accounts in the same region.
  • Certain realms are not eligible transfer destinations.
  • You can't transfer to a realm where your character list is full.
  • If your character's name is taken on the destination server, you can change its name after the transfer.
  • The character must be at least level 10. Death Knights must be at least level 60.
  • Starter Edition accounts can't transfer characters.
  • Active auctions or mail will prevent a transfer.
  • Characters holding WoW Tokens cannot transfer.
  • Characters with caged pets in their inventory cannot transfer.
  • Characters are ineligible for realm-first achievements for the first 60 days after transferring.
  • Raid lockouts transfer with your character.
  • You cannot continue mythic raids started prior to the transfer.
  • Item Restoration cannot restore items deleted, vendored, or disenchanted prior to the transfer.
  • The following gold limits apply to all characters.
Character Level Max. Gold
10-30 300g
31-50 1,000g
51-70 5,000g
71-80 20,000g
81-99 50,000g
100+ 250,000g

World of Warcraft account

World of Warcraft Account Limitations

In addition to the realm limitations:

Note: These apply even if you stay on the same Blizzard account.
  • Your character's name is locked for 90 days, and you will need to select a new name after the transfer completes
  • Characters cannot be transferred to or from a suspended, disabled, or closed account. Otherwise clean accounts without an active subscription are able to use the Character Transfer service normally.
  • Characters cannot transfer to a lower expansion level game account.
  • Characters are not able transfer to another realm for 30 days after an account transfer. account

Blizzard Account Limitations

In addition to the realm limitations:

  • Both accounts must be registered under the same name.
  • Items in the Collections tab are account-bound, and will not transfer to a different Blizzard account. Pets or mounts associated with a character-specific achievement will transfer, but only for the character that unlocked the achievement.
  • Character-specific achievements will transfer to the new account, but most other achievements won't.
  • PvP Arena ratings may change after transferring to a new realm. This can affect end-of-season rewards if you transfer before they are sent.
  • Your user interface settings will not transfer to the new account.
  • In-game friend and ignore lists are reset after transferring to a different Blizzard account.


  1. ^ Character Transfer (Updated: Aug 15?, 2017; Article ID: 34787). Blizzard Support site (US) (2017-08-15).
       Character Transfer (Updated: Aug 15?, 2017; Article ID: 34787). Blizzard Support site (EU) (2017-08-15).

See also[]

External links[]

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