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Chieftain Zul'Marosh can be found in Eversong Woods

[61.2, 76.5]

, on the upper floor of the two-story house in Zeb'Watha. He is the leader of the Eversong Woods Forest Trolls. He actually has a great green drop rate without being a rare spawn so he is a good source of money and disenchantable items for new blood elf players.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Amani Invasion Plans [Amani Invasion Plans] 1(8) Quest 95.46%
Chieftain Zul'Marosh's Head [Chieftain Zul'Marosh's Head] 0 Quest 82.04%
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Trade Good 23.70%
Tough Jerky [Tough Jerky] 5(1) Consumable 6.84%
Scalping Tomahawk [Scalping Tomahawk] 11(6) Axe Main Hand 3.44%

1.05% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
1.19% Chance of a common drop.
0.74% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

Pick pocket[]

INV Misc Bag 11 Level Drop%
Haunch of Meat [Haunch of Meat] 15 2.65%
Freshly Baked Bread [Freshly Baked Bread] 15 1.76%
Lesser Healing Potion [Lesser Healing Potion] 13 0.88%


Objective: Obtain [Chieftain Zul'Marosh's Head].

External links[]
