Code of Rule is a short story by Ryan Quinn, released 19 March 2015. The story depicts how Imperator Mar'gok came into the Iron Horde's service.
Official description[]
Faced with the prospect of extinction before the growing Iron Horde, the Sorcerer King of the ogres, Imperator Mar'gok, plots to ensure Highmaul's survival at any price. But what can Mar'gok offer those who so eagerly seek his people's demise?
Grommash Hellscream declared a war on Highmaul. Imperator Mar'gok was overwhelmed by Iron Horde, so he offered Grommash the powers of the Forgers.
- Major
- Minor
- Garrosh Hellscream
- Iron Horde messenger
- Supporting
- High Councilor Vareg
- Ko'ragh
- Mentoined
- Kargath Bladefist
- Gog Gronnslayer
- Unidentified ogre imperator
- A portion or version of this article copied from Wowpedia. See list of authors.