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Coldwraiths were once part of the scourge and following the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel they serve the Knights of the Ebon Blade. They act as guards for Ebon Hold, the death knight starting area.

During Amal'thazad's teachings a Disciple of Frost will engage a Coldwraith in combat.

Assisting Amal'thazad[]

  • Amal'thazad: It is time for your challenge, disciple. Use my teachings well.
  • A Disciple of Frost steps forward and engages a Coldwraith in combat.
  • Amal'thazad: It's spells would be less threatening if its incantations were slowed by your icy touch.
  • Amal'thazad: Do not let it consider its next spell so freely, disciple...freeze its mind.
  • The disciple casts Mind Freeze and interrupts the Coldwraith's Frostbolt.
  • The Coldwraith kills the Disciple of Frost and walks back to its position near the wall.
  • Amal'thazad: Your retention was poor.
  • Amal'thazad: Step forth disciple, show me what you have learned.
  • A Disciple of Frost steps forward and engages a Coldwraith in combat.
  • Amal'thazad: It's spells would be less threatening if its incantations were slowed by your icy touch.
  • Amal'thazad: Do not let it consider its next spell so freely, disciple...freeze its mind.
  • The disciple casts Mind Freeze and interrupts the Coldwraith's Frostbolt.
  • The disciple finishes off the Coldwraith.
  • Amal'thazad: You have learned well. Continue on your path, disciple.


External links[]

Icon-hearthstone-22x22 See this subject on the Hearthstone wiki: Coldwraith
