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This article lists cooking spots throughout Azeroth, Outland and Northrend.
Cooking requires a campfire or substitute (brazier, stove, cooking table, cauldron, etc.). Players can also conjure their own Basic Campfire. Almost all major towns with inns have a fireplace or hearth inside the inn. City inns often do not have fires inside the inn building itself. Some cities provide readily available fires, such as the ubiquitous Dwarven Brazier in Ironforge, while others hide their fires and stoves. Formerly, creating a campfire required wood, flint, and tinder, so knowing where a ready-made Cooking Fire or substitute could be found was important. Now, any cook can make a campfire when needed with no tools or materials.
For a list of other fixed-device types see:
- Forges and anvils
- Mailboxes
- Hunters' pet Stables
Azuremyst Isle[]
The Barrens[]
Bloodmyst Isle[]
Darkshore[]Campfire in Auberdine next to Archaeologist Hollee Darnassus[]
Dustwallow Marsh[]
The Exodar[]Feralas[]
Mulgore[]No known cooking spots Orgrimmar[]
Silithus[]Cooking brazier in Cenarion hold Stonetalon Mountains[]
Teldrassil[]No known cooking spots Thousand Needles[]No known cooking spots Thunder Bluff[]Ungoro Crater[]No known cooking spots Winterspring[] |
Eastern Kingdoms[]Alterac Mountains[]No known cooking spots Arathi Highlands[]
Badlands[]No known cooking spots Blasted Lands[]No known cooking spots Burning Steppes[]No known cooking spots Dun Morogh[]No known cooking spots Duskwood[]
Eastern Plaguelands[]
Elwynn Forest[]
Eversong Woods[]
Hinterlands[]No known cooking spots Ironforge[]
Loch Modan[]
Redridge Mountains[]
Searing Gorge[]No known cooking spots Silvermoon City[]
Silverpine Forest[]
Stormwind City[]
Stranglethorn Vale[]
Swamp of Sorrows[]No known cooking spots Tirisfal Glades[]No known cooking spots Undercity[]
Western Plaguelands[]
Wetlands[] |