- Copper Rod
- Item Level 5
- "Needed by an Enchanter to make a runed copper rod."
- Sell Price: 24
- Vendor 1
The sole known use of this item is in the creation of the Runed Copper Rod, used in enchanting. It can be purchased from most enchanting and trade goods suppliers. Of all the kinds of rods used to create enchanting rods, this is the only one that is not created by a blacksmith player.
This item can be purchased for 1 24
- Asarnan <Master Enchanting Trainer> in Netherstorm
- Rathis Tomber <Trade Supplies> in Ghostlands
- Terellia <Trade Supplies> in Ghostlands
- Ergh of the Stillpine <Trade Supplies> in Azuremyst Isle
- Egomis <Enchanting Supplies> in The Exodar
- Svalbrad Farmountain <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Zora Guthrek <Trade Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Trader Endernor <Trade Goods> in Shattrath City
- Sathiel <Trade Supplies> in Eversong Woods
- Erilia <Enchanting Vendor> in Eversong Woods
- Landraelanis <Tradesman> in Eversong Woods
- Lyna <Enchanting Supplies> in Silvermoon City
- Jase Farlane <Trade Supplies> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Oran Blusterbrew <Trade Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Hammon Karwn <Superior Tradesman> in Arathi Highlands
- Christopher Hewen <Trade Supplies> in Westfall
- Kersok Prond <Tradesman> in Wetlands
- Micha Yance <Trade Goods> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Daniel Bartlett <Trade Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Tharynn Bouden <Trade Supplies> in Elwynn Forest
- Abigail Shiel <Trade Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Andrew Hilbert <Trade Supplies> in Silverpine Forest
- Banalash <Trade Supplies> in Swamp of Sorrows
- Gigget Zipcoil <Trade Supplies> in The Hinterlands
- Fillius Fizzlespinner <Trade Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Leo Sarn <Enchanting Supplies> in Silverpine Forest
- Felicia Doan <Trade Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Edna Mullby <Trade Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Keena <Trade Goods> in Arathi Highlands
- Gorbold Steelhand <Trade Supplies> in Darkshore
- Drake Lindgren <General & Trade Supplies> in Elwynn Forest
- Burbik Gearspanner <Trade Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Jessara Cordell <Enchanting Supplies> in Stormwind City
- Mishta <Trade Supplies> in Silithus
- Narret Shadowgrove <Trade Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Vivianna <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Nerrist <Trade Goods> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Nata Dawnstrider <Enchanting Supplies> in Mulgore
- Tai'tasi <Trade Supplies> in Durotar
- Ullanna <Trade Supplies> in Darkshore
- Mythrin'dir <Trade Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Syurana <Trade Supplies> in Winterspring
- Sheendra Tallgrass <Trade Supplies> in Feralas
- Helenia Olden <Trade Supplies> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Gina MacGregor <Trade Supplies> in Westfall
- Amy Davenport <Tradeswoman> in Redridge Mountains
- Flakk <Trade Supplies> in Durotar
- Dalria <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Gunder Thornbush <Tradesman> in Duskwood
- Shandrina <Trade Goods> in Ashenvale
- Blimo Gadgetspring <Trade Supplies> in Azshara
- Drac Roughcut <Tradesman> in Loch Modan
- Qia <Trade Supplies> in Winterspring
- Tilli Thistlefuzz <Enchanting Supplies> in Dun Morogh
- Golorn Frostbeard <Tradesman> in Dun Morogh
- Vaean <Enchanting Supplies> in Teldrassil
- Thaddeus Webb <Enchanting Supplies> in Tirisfal Glades
- Kania <Enchanting Supplies> in Silithus
- Vendor-Tron 1000 in Desolace
- Shadi Mistrunner <Trade Supplies> in Mulgore
- Lilly <Enchanting Supplies> in Silverpine Forest
- Christoph Jeffcoat <Tradesman> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Ranik <Trade Supplies> in The Barrens
- Felika <Trade Supplies> in Durotar
- Kulwia <Trade Supplies> in Stonetalon Mountains
- Jandia <Trade Supplies> in Thousand Needles
- Kithas <Enchanting Supplies> in Durotar
- Wunna Darkmane <Trade Goods> in Mulgore
- Lorelae Wintersong <Trade Supplies> in Moonglade
- Kireena <Trade Goods> in Desolace
- Shimra <Trade Supplies> in Durotar
- Tari'qa <Trade Supplies> in The Barrens
- Lah'Mawhani <Trade Supplies> in Desolace
- Pol Snowhoof <Trade Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Madame Ruby <Enchanting Supplies> in Shattrath City
- Fazu <Tradesman> in Bloodmyst Isle
- Parnis <Tradesman> in Silvermoon City
- Yurial Soulwater <Enchanting Supplies> in Shattrath City
- Johan Barnes <Master Enchanting Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Ziz <Tradesman> in Azuremyst Isle
- Felannia <Master Enchanting Trainer> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Dealer Malij <Enchanting Supplies> in Netherstorm
- Puluu in Zangarmarsh
- Nurguni <Tradesman> in The Exodar
Copper Rod as an ingredient[]
This item is used to make:
External links[]