Datalore Smallsphere is a level 70 trade goods vendor located in the Grizzly Hills.
[74, 34]Quotes[]
- Datalore Smallsphere says: Oh boy Jones and I have had some adventures...
- Datalore Smallsphere takes a deep breath and puffs out his chest.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: Where Jones goes, I go. Where he steps, I step. But this time, he told me to stay back.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: I hope Jones is okay.
- Datalore Smallsphere looks around nervously.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: If Jones listened to me, he'd live longer.
- Kraz sighs.
- Harkor sighs.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: I hope Jones makes it back okay.
- Datalore Smallsphere looks off into the distance, annoyed.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: Jones still owes me money from our last card game. Can you believe he tried to cheat me! I'm may be little but he cheats very big.
- Harkor sighs.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: Oh boy... I can't believe I just remembered that...
- Datalore Smallsphere can't hardly control his laughter. His story is constantly interrupted by his own laughter.
- Datalore Smallsphere says: he dropped the potatoes, even though I told him to hold onto them.
- Harkor sighs.
This character is a play on at least one, and likely three separate pop culture references:
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - After turning in the quest Dun-da-Dun-tah!, Smallsphere explains that Jones owes him money from a card game, describing a scene involving the character Short Round from the movie.
- The Goonies - The actor Jonathan Ke Quan, who played Short Round in the Indiana Jones movie also played Richard 'Data' Wang in The Goonies.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation also featured a character called 'Data', who had a brother called 'Lore', introduced in an episode called Datalore.