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Decaying Horror can be found in Western Plaguelands



BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Heart of the Wild [Heart of the Wild] 45 Drop Elemental 10.4
Dried King Bolete [Dried King Bolete] 45 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 5.6
Morning Glory Dew [Morning Glory Dew] 45 Drop, Vendor Food or Drink 2.7
Living Essence [Living Essence] 55 Crafted, Drop Elemental 2.2
Recipe: Greater Nature Protection Potion [Recipe: Greater Nature Protection Potion] 58 Drop Alchemy 1.9
Major Healing Potion [Major Healing Potion] 45 Crafted, Drop, Quest, Vendor Potions 1.1
Pattern: Living Breastplate [Pattern: Living Breastplate] 60 Drop Leatherworking 1.0
Twill Shoulderpads [Twill Shoulderpads] 51 Drop Shoulder (Cloth) 0.2
Primed Musket [Primed Musket] 52 Drop Guns 0.2
Smooth Leather Gloves [Smooth Leather Gloves] 53 Drop Hands (Leather) 0.2
Gryphonwing Long Bow [Gryphonwing Long Bow] 50 Drop Bows 0.1
Thorium Lockbox [Thorium Lockbox] 55 Drop Junk 0.1
Balanced War Axe [Balanced War Axe] 54 Drop Two-Handed Axe 0.1
Crested Buckler [Crested Buckler] 51 Drop Shields 0.1
Deflecting Tower [Deflecting Tower] 48 Drop Shields 0.1

0.00% Chance of a epic drop.
0.11% Chance of a rare drop.
1.08% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.26% Chance of a common drop.
1.34% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

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