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Ability creature poison 05
  • Disgusting Oozeling
  • Item Level 55
    Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Unique
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

A Disgusting Oozeling pet. /poke


Gnome afflicted by Oozeling's aura.

The Disgusting Oozeling item summons and dismisses Disgusting Oozeling, an ooze companion that follows you around, meaning it is a non-combat pet and will not aid you in battle.


Disgusting Oozeling is a possible item inside Oozing Bags which drop off off various high-level oozes in Felwood, Un'goro Crater, Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas. The following are the known oozes it can come from:


  • A Disgusting Oozeling projects an [Oozeling's Disgusting Aura] when it accompanies its owner which reduces the owner's defense by 20 and all resistances by 20, and colors its owner green as if the owner were poisoned.
  • The drop rate of the bag varies between 1.0% and 3.5% depending on the source, and the chance that the pet is inside the bag is roughly 1.5%.[citation needed] This puts it at a similar rare status to the whelpling pets, and thus can sell for fairly large amounts of gold on the Auction House, at least as far as pets are concerned.

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