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Dodge gems are red gems, orange gems, purple gems, and prismatic gems.

Northrend gems[]

Color Name Effect(s)
UI-EmptySocket-Red Red Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Subtle Dragon's Eye] +34 Dodge Rating
Inv jewelcrafting gem 28 [Subtle Scarlet Ruby] +16 Dodge Rating
Inv jewelcrafting gem 16 [Perfect Subtle Bloodstone] +14 Dodge Rating
Inv jewelcrafting gem 22 [Subtle Bloodstone] +12 Dodge Rating
UI-EmptySocket-RedUI-EmptySocket-Yellow Orange Inv jewelcrafting gem 30 [Stalwart Monarch Topaz] +8 Dodge Rating +8 Defense
Inv jewelcrafting gem 14 [Perfect Stalwart Huge Citrine] +7 Dodge Rating +7 Defense
Inv jewelcrafting gem 20 [Stalwart Huge Citrine] +6 Dodge Rating +6 Defense
UI-EmptySocket-BlueUI-EmptySocket-Red Purple Inv jewelcrafting gem 29 [Regal Twilight Opal] +8 Dodge Rating +12 Stamina
Inv jewelcrafting gem 18 [Perfect Regal Shadow Crystal] +7 Dodge Rating +11 Stamina
Inv jewelcrafting gem 23 [Regal Shadow Crystal] +6 Dodge Rating +9 Stamina
UI-EmptySocket-RedUI-EmptySocket-YellowUI-EmptySocket-Blue Prismatic Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye05 [Subtle Dragon's Eye] +27 Dodge Rating
In Patch 3.2.0.

Outland gems[]

Color Name Effect(s)
UI-EmptySocket-Red Red Inv jewelcrafting crimsonspinel 02 [Subtle Crimson Spinel] +10 Dodge Rating
Inv jewelcrafting livingruby 03 [Subtle Living Ruby] +8 Dodge Rating
UI-EmptySocket-RedUI-EmptySocket-Yellow Orange Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Assassin's Fire Opal] +5 Dodge Rating +6 Crit
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Beaming Fire Opal] +5 Dodge Rating +4 Resilience
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Nimble Fire Opal] +5 Dodge Rating +4 Hit
Inv jewelcrafting nobletopaz 03 [Stalwart Fire Opal] +4 Dodge Rating +5 Defense
UI-EmptySocket-BlueUI-EmptySocket-Red Purple Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Regal Tanzanite] +5 Dodge Rating +6 Stamina
Inv jewelcrafting nightseye 03 [Regal Nightseye] +4 Dodge Rating +6 Stamina

Patch changes[]
