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Duskwither Apprentices are Wretched who live in the Duskwither Spire and guard the Duskwither power sources. They attack enemies with Mind Blast.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Tough Hunk of Bread [Tough Hunk of Bread] 5(1) Consumable 49.81%
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Trade Good 29.35%
Refreshing Spring Water [Refreshing Spring Water] 5(1) Consumable 24.49%
Minor Healing Potion [Minor Healing Potion] 5(1) Consumable 14.91%
Scroll of Spirit [Scroll of Spirit] 10(1) Consumable 5.20%
Scroll of Protection [Scroll of Protection] 10(1) Consumable 4.68%

0.06% Chance of an Uncommon drop.
0.12% Chance of a common drop.
0.37% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

Pick pocket[]

INV Misc Bag 11 Level Drop%
Folded Handkerchief [Folded Handkerchief] 1 6.52%
Minor Healing Potion [Minor Healing Potion] 5 5.43%
Malachite [Malachite] 7 4.34%
Darnassian Bleu [Darnassian Bleu] 5 4.34%
Shiny Red Apple [Shiny Red Apple] 5 3.26%
A Frayed Knot [A Frayed Knot] 1 3.26%
Tough Hunk of Bread [Tough Hunk of Bread] 5 1.08%

External links[]
