Ellandrieth is a level 30 general goods vendor located in the Tradesmen's Terrace in the night elf city of Darnassus.
Vendor information[]
[Accurate Slugs]x200
[Balanced Throwing Dagger]
[Blacksteel Throwing Dagger]
[Brown Leather Satchel]
[Crude Throwing Axe]
[Deadly Throwing Axe]
[Gleaming Throwing Axe]
[Heavy Brown Bag]
[Heavy Shot]x200
[Heavy Throwing Dagger]
[Impact Shot]x200
[Jagged Arrow]x200
[Jagged Throwing Axe]
[Keen Throwing Knife]
[Light Shot]x200
[Light Throwing Knife]
[Melon Juice]x5
[Moonberry Juice]x5
[Razor Arrow]x200
[Red Ribboned Wrapping Paper]
[Refreshing Spring Water]x5
[Rough Arrow]x200
[Sharp Arrow]x200
[Small Brown Pouch]
[Solid Shot]x200
[Sweet Nectar]x5
[Weighted Throwing Axe]
[Wicked Arrow]x200
[Wicked Throwing Dagger]