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Attacks and abilities[]

  • Basic Melee: 5,500 on cloth.
  • Cleave: ~6,000 on Leather.
  • Spatial Distortion: Stacking debuff (up to 15) on entire raid, 3% less strength and agility per application. Resistible (it is Arcane). Not dispel-able. Removed by Cloak of Shadows.
  • Disarm: Disarms the highest aggro target, lowering their current threat, and their threat output.


Be wary of the way they intersect on their patrol as you pull them one at a time. These guys are aggro sensitive and immune to taunt effects.

The trick to keeping these off the healers and clothies is to have two tanks racing for aggro. As long as the tanks are 1st and 2nd on threat, the raid can DPS as usual. This also saves the raid when they disarm the highest aggro, as you already have a 2nd tank waiting.

Old strategy: Players used to be able to become immune to disarming effects. With Patch 2.3, it is no longer possible to become immune. Effects that reduce Disarm durations are helpful in allowing the tank to regain threat quicker, but will not stop the deaggro effect from happening

Alternate Strategy: Feral Druids can be extremely useful as a tank against this enemy since disarm does not impair their tanking ability beyond stat loss (from their weapon)

Melee stand directly behind the thief to avoid cleave and disarm.


Pulled The secrets of this place are not for the likes of you!

Kill Raid Member Turn back while you can.

Death You will succeed only in damning yourselves!


Reputation: Provides 15 reputation with The Violet Eye.

External links[]
