Category: Arena |
Category: Arena |
This event fires whenever an arena team is opened in the character sheet. It also fires (3 times) when an arena member leaves, joins, or gets kicked. It does NOT fire when an arena team member logs in or out.
Category: Arena |
This does NOT fire when an arena member joins the team, leaves, gets kicked, logs in/out. Still unsure when this actually fires.
Category: Arena |
Category: Arena |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Fired when a petition is closed, e.g. by you signing it. See PETITION_SHOW.
Category: Arena,Guild |
Fired when you are shown a petition to create a guild or arena team. This can be due to someone offering you to sign it, or because of you clicking your own charter in your inventory. GetPetitionInfo() will tell you more.
Category: Arena,Guild |
Category: Arena,Guild |
Category: Arena,Guild |