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Event API

Category: Glyph


Category: Glyph


Category: Glyph


Category: Glyph


Category: Glyph


Category: Communication


Category: Misc


Category: Misc
Category: Misc

Fired when you close the talk window for an npc

(Seems to be called twice)
The mouse button used to close the window (nil if closed when you go out of range)
Category: Misc
Category: Misc
Category: Misc
Category: Misc

Fired when you talk to an npc

This event typically fires when you are given several choices, including choosing to sell item, select available and active quests, just talk about something, or bind to a location. Even when the the only available choices are quests, this event is often used instead of QUEST_GREETING.
no arguments
Category: Group

Fired when the group's player's group member status changes. ADDED (5.0.4)

Note: The below needs to be validated with 5.0.4 or newer.

Fired whenever a raid is formed or disbanded, players are leaving or joining a raid (unsure if rejected join requests also fire the event), or when looting rules are changed (regardless of being in raid or party.)

As of 1.8.3 this event also fires when players are moved around in a Raid and when a player leaves the raid. This holds true even if the changes do not affect your party within the raid.

4-2-05 Edit: This event is called twice when the event PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED is called.

7-28-05 EDIT: This event is generated when someone joins or leaves the group, also generated whenever someone rejects an invite and you're in a group. Also, if for instance you have 3 people in your group and you invite a 4th, it will generate 4 events. If you call GetNumPartyMembers() it will return 0, 1, 2, and 3. First event returing zero, 2nd event returning 1, etc etc.

Category: Bank

Fired when the guild-bank contents change

Category: Bank

Fired when the guild-bank frame is closed

Category: Bank

Fired when the guild-bank frame is opened

Category: Bank

Fired when the guild-bank log is updated.

Category: Bank

Category: Bank

Category: Bank

Category: Bank

Category: Bank

Category: Bank

Category: Guild

Fired when the guild invitation is declined.

Category: Guild

Fired when you are invited to join a guild.

guild inviter
guild name
Category: Guild

Fired when the guild messages of the day is shown.

guild message of the day
Category: Guild

Category: Guild
Category: Guild

Fired when the client's guild info cache has been updated after a call to GuildRoster() or after any data change in any of the guild's data, excluding the Guild Information window.

nil if this event was triggered by the client cache being updated after a call to GuildRoster, 1 if there was a local change to Guild roster data


Category: Guild


Category: Guild



Category: Guild

Fired when the guild gains exp see also: UnitGetGuildXP()
